syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Educational Research: At the Heart of Things

In a 2008 article entitled Complexity as a theory of education, Brent Davis and Dennis Sumara discuss the unique qualities of educational research, especially in light of complexity theory, suggesting to me that complexity plays a unique and insistent role in educational research.…

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Academic Partnerships Now Accepting Proposals for Round Two of 2014 Faculty Research Grant Program

 Academic Partnerships

$50,000 in Grants Now Available to Support Faculty Research on the Impact and Effectiveness of Online Learning

Academic Partnerships (AP), one of the world’s largest representatives of online learning, today announced that it is currently accepting proposals for Round Two of its 2014 Faculty Research Grant Program, which supports faculty research on the impact and effectiveness of online learning.

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Teaching can be hard – on our families:

There have been a few posts (blog & twitter) lately mentioning that teaching can be hard, mine included. It seemed a good time to re-acknowledge that it can be hard for our families too. When we put in long hours preparing, marking, reading inspirational blog posts and articles, searching for and creating resources, they sometimes miss out.…

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Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Cay Evans, LSU Shreveport

Dr. Cay EvansHow long have you been teaching online?

In the early 1990s, a call for training in distance education was sent out to our campus. I was curious about online classes and teaching and did not know what the research said about the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of online classes.

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Learning about Data

As an introduction to Yr 7 students thinking about data they created an All About Me video (inspired by Dan Meyer’s Annual Report) including data about themselves.

Some used Keynote, some iMovie and others VideoScribe or Haiku Deck.

They thought about data, they did some basic arithmetic and they learned more about how to use some of their presentation apps.…

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Who’s Writing the Rhizo14 Ethnography: The Problem of Authorship

I read through the Rhizo14 auto-ethnography this past week, in part to re-connect but also to see if it was moving anywhere (I won’t say moving forward as that is far too linear a concept for anything out of Rhizo14), but the document itself has been largely inactive since April or so, and I’ve not seen it emerge in any other space.…

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It’s been nearly a year since I wrote my last blog post. There are lots of reasons why it’s taken me this long. First was long service leave and I was travelling, but then I returned home and my mum passed away soon after.…

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3 Tips for Sharing Learning-Technology Expertise

eLearning Guild


The eLearning Guild recently released the free e-book, 84 Tips on New Instructional Design for New Instructional Technology so we are going to share some of these tips we learned over the next couple weeks. The first of this series is Twenty-one Tips for Putting Learning Goals and Learners Before Technology.

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7 Tips for Making Learning Mobile

 eLearning Guild


The eLearning Guild recently released the free e-book, 84 Tips on New Instructional Design for New Instructional Technology so we are going to share some of these tips we learned over the next couple weeks. The first of this series is Twenty-one Tips for Putting Learning Goals and Learners Before Technology.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs