syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Supporting Students Who Experience Anxiety

Anxiety is the anticipation of the unexpected. It is a normal part of life. When harnessed it can be a positive force that can encourage us to take a chance and try something new.

However, as with all things in life, too much of anything is not good for you.…

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Add a Video Producer to Your Marketing Team

Add a LectureMaker Video Producer to Your Marketing Team

LectureMaker’s Ron Fredericks is an expert in producing video for marketing teams. Here are some ideas from his experience and from his mentors.

There are four types of video that LectureMaker develops for its business and non-profit clients.
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Digital Literacy and Context

Computers and the Internet have provided a blank slate to create. Lacking one single governing authority, sites have the freedom to create communities in the ways they see fit. With each new site conventions crop up are meaningful to the users of the community.…

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#beerpedagogy and a new culture

On the weekend I attended the #beerpedagogy tweet up.  I always look forward to a #beerpedagogy event, and no not because of the beer!  You may be wondering what on earth #beerpedagogy is and it is probably just as you think.  …

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Year 11 Creating with Desmos

Tim Johnson gave his Year 11 Math Methods students the opportunity to apply what they have been learning about functions, domains and ranges with some Desmos art. He’s put together a great task that the students clearly enjoyed and benefited from.…

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Can World Cup draw attention to poverty, not just to sports?

So now another mega sports event is capturing the attention of millions of people, not just in the USA, but around the world. In some of the coverage of the World Cup, I’ve seen stories about the poverty in Brazil. But these stories are fragmented.…

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What I’m Using: Explee (Create RSA Animate-style videos with a pretty amazing editor)

I just saw this, and I feel like it does a better job than Powtoons. Really fun!

Explee – Create engaging and memorable animated videos – Explee

Videos people will remember Explee is the application that allows you to create visual and dynamic animated videos.

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Free webinar: Improving Student Retention in Online Learning

Inside Higher Ed hosted a free webinar on Tuesday, June 10th – “Retention in Online Courses,” brought to you by Academic Partnerships and featuring Patrick Lowenthal, assistant professor of Educational Technology at Boise State University.

Retention in Online Courses Webinar Banner

Online learning continues to grow and make up a larger percentage of enrollments in higher education.

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Citizenship: Being a Member of a Larger Community

Over the last five weeks #DCMOOC has allowed us to connect with a variety of leaders in the field of Digital Citizenship.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs