syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

What I’m Using: The most Amazing Google Chrome Extension Yet – Project Naptha

I didn’t know I needed to be able to highlight text in an image and then copy, edit, or translate it. But, I do. The ability to simply highlight text within an image, wherever I find it is a strange and wonderful experience that I never want to stop being able to do.…

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What I’m Learning: Rethinking the role of the teacher in a Blended Learning Environment

While I don’t love all that Khan and the Clayton Christensen Institute do, I think that this series of videos (mostly taken from a MOOC last year) are a good starting point for folks who are looking at blending.

Teaching in a blended learning environment – rethinking the role of the teacher | Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute | Khan Academy

Teaching in a blended learning environment – rethinking the role of the teacher Discover how the role of the teacher is changing in blended-learning environments.

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Quality Matters 2014 Southwest Regional Conference: The Landscape of Quality

QMWe will be attending and presenting at Quality Matters 2014 Southwest Regional Conference: The Landscape of Quality this Friday, April 25th.

“With the mountains and sky of New Mexico as our setting and the QM rubric as our guide, we hope to get to the heart of what it means to provide quality distance learning and engage students, faculty, and administrators in the process of designing and implementing excellence.

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Who’s Writing Rhizo14?

Well, I stole my own thunder. It happens.

I wanted to answer here the second of two questions about membership in Rhizo14, but instead I mostly addressed the question in a comment on Frances Bell’s blog. You’d think that at my age I’d have more control, but Frances’ post Ethics and soft boundaries between Facebook and other web services is such a fine read and engendered such a rich discussion, …

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Thanks for your post. Very interesting. Recently, …

Thanks for your post. Very interesting.
Recently, together with a group of like-minded teachers, we have decided to set up a blog where we are going to publish articles and materials related to hiring policies and NNEST/NEST debate.You can find it here:…

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How’d You Do That? Tips and Tricks That Might Account for My 95 Percent Retention Rate

At The Sloan Consortium’s 7th Annual International Symposium Emerging Technologies for Online Learning, we attended an excellent workshop led by Kari Frisch (Central Lakes College) entitled “How’d You Do That? Tips and Tricks That Might Account for My 95 Percent Retention Rate.”

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Access and Equity Trailer

This is the trailer for the Project Roundtable hangout on Access and Equity In and Through BYOD and 1:1.

Here is the link to the event:

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AP Faculty Grant Recipient Published and Accepted to Present at International Conference

Ronda Mintz-Binder

Ronda Mintz-Binder, DNP, RN, CNE, Assistant Professor-Graduate Studies, College of Nursing, University of Texas at Arlington

2013 AP Faculty Grant recipient, Ronda Mintz-Binder, DNP, RN, CNE, Assistant Professor-Graduate Studies, College of Nursing, University of Texas at Arlington, had her paper published and was accepted to present it at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences at Harvard Medical School, May 26-30, 2014.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs