syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Open Educational Resources Manual

We have been hard at work building a comprehensive manual for locating and using Open Educational Resources.

You may be asking yourself, “What are Open Educational Resources?” Open Educational Resources (OER) is a term used to describe educational materials that are free to use, re-use, and share.

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An Introduction to #2minPD (a PD movement started by @mpelochino)

I am so excited to be a part of the global movement started by Melisa Pelochino to reach 1 MM educators worldwide with 2 minute pd videos on topics that we are passionate about.

I will be creating a few over the next couple weeks, but if you would like to take part, this is what they can look like:


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April Theme: The Sloan Consortium

Sloan-CThe Sloan Consortium’s 7th Annual Emerging Technologies for Online Learning International Symposium is April 9-11 so, throughout the month of April, we will be highlighting The Sloan-Consortium and all of the important work they contribute to the field of online education.

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Project Roundtable: Using Video Creation and Sharing to Shift Instruction

Thank you to everyone who attended or watched the archive. It was a great conversation and we really were able to focus on shifting practice.

Next Steps:
1. Keep on collaborating in the planning doc:

2. Reflect upon the session and then apply for the Project Roundtable Badge: …

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Faculty Spotlight: Dr. John Stocker, University of Delaware

WJohn Stockere interviewed Dr. John Stocker, Assistant Professor, University of Delaware Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics Department of Finance, about his experience with online teaching. Check out his insights along with additional supporting resources below!

How long have you been teaching online?

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What I’m Learning: Jugaad

I’ve had this open tab on chrome for three weeks trying to figure out why I can’t close it. I think I don’t want to close it because I want to be capable of a Jugaad for education. I want us all to be capable of it, actually.…

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Would The Real ‘Alec Couros’ Please Stand Up?

Last September, I wrote a post about how scammers had been using my photos to lure women into online, romantic relationships for the purpose of ‘borrowing’ or extorting money. Since that time, the scams have continued. I get, on average, one new report a day from women (and occasionally men) who have been tricked, or nearly tricked, into sending money.…

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MOOC Hype & Hesitance – Excerpts from MOOC Research

Note: I will use this space over the next month to share excerpts from my dissertation The Evolution & Impact of the Massive Open Online Course. The research was a Delphi study bringing together 20 MOOC experts to discuss the MOOC in educational, political, and sociocultural terms (slides from the oral presentation can be seen here).

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Education and Autism

It’s World Autism Awareness Day.

Autism and pervasive developmental disorder is a personal part of my life because one of my nephews, a lovely boy named Henry, was diagnosed with autism when he was five. I have to admit when he was a toddler I only saw him a few times because we lived far away, but I no sign of any disorder at that time.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs