syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

What I’m Learning: Automated Resource Sharing with Google Sites

I cannot take any of the credit for the amazing work that John Calvert has done. He is truly inspirational in all that he is creating for his school district. I just wanted to take a moment and bask in the glow that is this one stop shop of resource sharing.…

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The Need for a Rhizomatic Rhetoric #rhizo14

I fully intended to write another post about power, and I will, but not today. My thoughts have been redirected by a marvelous Twitter chat some of the Rhizo14 group held this past Thursday. As a result of that chat, we are perhaps about to consciously write a rhizomatic document that explores the Rhizo14 MOOC.…

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Middle Class Growth Depends on Access to Higher Education

The dissemination of knowledge on a global scale has the potential to transform peoples’ lives in significant ways. Today, technology provides this powerful capability and facilitates access to information that is no longer constrained by physical boundaries.

Middle Class Growth Depends on Access to Higher Education

The above infographic was originally published here:

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What would an Global and Open PD Calendar Look Like?

I’ve been thinking a lot about Project Roundtable, and how others can start to take part in creating online experiences for one another.

In this carcast, I discuss how using a Global and Open PD calendar might help create cross-district and cross-state collaborations for PD.…

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Learning Tools: Appear.In – Hangouts, but without the Google+ Baggage

So, I love me some Google+ hangouts. They are amazing, and I couldn’t be happier that they fit nicely into the Google ecosystem. But, let’s say that you don’t actually want a Google+ account or that you don’t want to work within Google at all.…

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What I’m Learning: SAMR in Practice

I really like the simplicity and lack of specific app focus in this interactive SAMR infographic. However, it does skew just a bit toward Apple’s iTunes U and iBooks ecosystem. Good for thinking through how you do Note taking, Research, Presentation, File sharing, Reading, and Assessment.…

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What I’m Learning: A Great How To for Connecting your Youtube and Google+ to Enable Hangouts on Air

Someone was asking for how to do this today, and I think this tutorial does a rather wonderful job of explaining the process. Enjoy!

The True Adventures of a High School Librarian: Flipping Your Class Easily with Google Hangouts On Air

I absolutely love using Google+ Hangouts On Air to record PD sessions and for recording Flipped Classroom lessons. 

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Project Roundtable: Using Online Portfolios as more than Digital Scrapbooks

Thank you so much to everyone for attending and taking part in this Roundtable. Here are your next steps:

1. Reflect upon this session and submit evidence for your Rountable badge: 
2. Use the Planning/Collaborative notes document to keep the conversation and resources going:…

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Inaugural Globalization of Higher Education Conference to Address Critical Issues of Affordability and Accessibility

DALLAS (March 13, 2014) – Former Governors Jeb Bush and Jim Hunt will co-host the Globalization of Higher Education Conference ( to call attention to two of the primary challenges facing higher education in the U.S. and around the world: affordability and accessibility.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs