syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

University of North Florida Offers Four High-Demand Online Degree Programs

Academic Partnerships logo

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. and DALLAS (Feb. 25, 2014) – The University of North Florida (UNF) today announced that it will make three of its high-demand degree programs—Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (MS, Nutrition and Dietetics) and Master of Education in Special Education with a focus on Autism (MEd, Special Education)—available online this spring.

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Embedding Getty Images

Getty Images announced yesterday that they would be making a large number of their images available for use free of charge as long as they are posted with Getty’s new embed feature.  Using this feature allows you to embed non-watermarked pictures in your web pages and blog posts and provides attribution details and a link back to more information about the image on Getty’s website.…

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Embedding Getty Images

Getty Images announced yesterday that they would be making a large number of their images available for use free of charge as long as they are posted with Getty’s new embed feature.  Using this feature allows you to embed non-watermarked pictures in your web pages and blog posts and provides attribution details and a link back to more information about the image on Getty’s website.…

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The Globalization of Higher Education

Going GlobalDuring the month of March, we will highlight the topic of the globalization of higher education and how it impacts domestic universities.

The dissemination of knowledge on a global scale has the potential to
transform peoples’ lives in significant ways. Today, technology provides this powerful capability and facilitates access to information that is no longer constrained by physical boundaries.

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These are some of my ramblings on various lively discussion board forums while engaged in Duke University’s xMOOC entitled “The History and Future of (Mostly) Higher Education” led by Dr. Cathy Davidson, co-founder of Hastac. I did not take the weekly quizzes  which many participants were acing without watching the video lectures and where most of the right answers were choice (d) all of the above.…

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Let the dinosaurs die and the lurkers lurk. Insights on seeding adoption of enterprise social networks.

MSLOC 430 tweet chat

Learning & Organizational Change graduate students in the thick of a class sponsored Twitter chat.

On Thursday, Feb. 27, my class of graduate students from the Master of Science in Learning & Organizational Change program at Northwestern University organized a Twitter chat to explore the following: What tactics have proved effective in seeding the adoption of social collaboration technology, considering the variety of organizational and work contexts out there.

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Shifting Practice: Outcome-Based Badges Roundtable

*Planning Doc:*

This is going to be an amazing roundtable on how we are _Actually Shifting Practice_ using badges for Professional Learning. This is a follow up to our previous roundtable on Badges for Learning (

*Roundtable purpose:*
This roundtable will help to identify the ways in which we can use Outcome-based Badges (rather than badging for seat-time) to shift practice for teachers and leaders.…

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Yes, it’s 2014 and I need to blog.

Are you there free-time? It’s me, Alyson.

I’ll figure out what’s next, dear readers, I promise.

So many new and exciting things have happened since I’ve blogged last. It’s all happened so quickly I haven’t had time to process it. I’m living in the moment of pure luck, hard work, and being in the right place at the right time.…

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Are We Making Upside Down Investments In Education?

In this podcast episode I think through whether or not we are making upside down investments in develop curriculum and people within our schools and districts.

Just like if you are upside down in your house, you are paying more than it is worth, are we paying more than our curricular resources and own understanding of professional development can provide?…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs