syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Are you a Conference Sponge? #sxswedu

In this carcast I look at whether or not we need to define a new role for those who are learning from a conference that is taking place in another city. This isn’t about virtual attendance, but rather about having the time and space to learn from a conference through tweets and reflections from those who are attending live.…

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Professional Learning | Really?

You may have seen this YouTube clip that is circling social media at the moment.

It was taken at a Chicago Professional Development session and was shared as an example of why teachers are going out of their minds on the Washington Post blog, Answer Sheet. …

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K-12 Curriculum and Books now on Google Play

This may potentially be a game changer for how content is made available digitally. I don’t think Google is messing around when it comes to android tablets getting in the hands of kids.

Official Enterprise Blog: New tools for schools announced at SXSWEdu

Access thousands of K-12 books – Starting today, K-12 books are available to all schools using Google Play for Education.

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The MOOCademy Awards

This tweet, from the co-founder of Coursera, highlights several troublesome aspects of the MOOC phenomenon and the manner in which we envision online education in an age of technological solutionism (see Morozov).…

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Hi Natasa, Thank you for the incredible reflectio…

Hi Natasa,

Thank you for the incredible reflection. I truly appreciate you and your colleagues completing your chapters and the course. You did a fantastic job and am happy to hear you will continue with the rest of the ebook.

When you're a teacher sometimes it is helpful to have more than one platform.…

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What I’m Learning: Achievery (an Open Badges System)

I really like the simplicity of this service/site. It is exremely easy to get started creating or issuing badges with this site. Anyone using it thus far?


She made it. Integrate your learning or assessment system with Achievery and begin issuing digital credentials and badges today.

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EduCon 2014 and Engagement

The Franklin Institute

The more conferences I go to, the less I find myself interested in discussions about specific tools. Instead, it’s the new ideas that excite me, in that ideas have the power to outlast tools and make more of an impact on what we do in our classrooms.…

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The Free Enterprise System

The FES Unit Plan

picture credit to

picture credit to

Objectives  Students will become informed of the basic economic freedoms in the free enterprise system.

SWBAT: 80% of students will demonstrate competencies using a variety of assessment with an overall portfolio score of 80% or higher.…

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Support and Control

Insert cliché opening about how-time-flies-and-I-should-blog-more here.

(CC BY-SA 2.0) by quinn.anya

(CC BY-SA 2.0) by quinn.anya

Thank you to mbedchatblog challenge 2014 for encouraging me to maintain a blogging pulse.

The last several years I’ve tinkered with creating a more student-centred classroom, and the last few semesters I’ve really gone all in.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs