syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

We recently developed and ran a short course on th…

We recently developed and ran a short course on the digital for learning developers. We called it LD5D: Digital things for learning developers. I posted on blogging…
May be useful?
Good luck with your project. Best, Sandra (spotted you on #rhizo14)…

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Is the Technology Integration matrix from Arizona a good starting or ending point?

I wonder if anyone has seen the Technology Integration matrix from Arizona. I’m kind of amazed by the level of depth. What do you all think?

Arizona Technology Integration Matrix. A Resource Supporting the Full Integration of Technology in Arizona Schools.

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Practical View of the Rhizome for #rhizo14

I’ve joined Dave Cormier’s MOOC Rhizomatic Learning – The community is the curriculum (#rhizo14), and I want to respond to his challenge for Week 1 to provide an immediately accessible idea of what the rhizome is. This is quite a challenge because I’m not sure that the rhizome as a metaphor is so easily accessible for many people, in large part because it ignores so much of what we in Western …

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Evernote Portfolio Update

In the past month I have rolled out portfolios for two of my classes – AP Music Theory and Arts Business & Technology. I started a few months ago by creating notebooks for each of my students. I then began collecting artifacts for each student – at that time mostly tests and written work that I scanned in, graded on my iPad with the help of a stylus.…

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Great Memories Great Connections

Reblogged from School Counsellor Talk … Connecting, Collaborating, Curating and Continuing Education:

Click to visit the original post

Image source: CC BY 2.0 Catherine Cronin

Connections on line … they really do matter. Thanks @rljessen for putting together this great memory that I will treasure. ETMOOC ANNIVERSARY storify

Want to stay connected .

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Rhizomatic Learning and Ethics

Ribloggato da Jenny Connected:


Dave Cormier in his open course on rhizomatic learning, which started on Tuesday of this week – has asked us in his video to think about/discuss ‘cheating as learning’.

For him it is important to think about cheating in relation to his teaching because this brings into focus power structures in an educational setting.

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Rhizomatic Learning and Ethics

Originally posted on Jenny Connected:

Dave Cormier in his open course on rhizomatic learning, which started on Tuesday of this week – has asked us in his video to think about/discuss ‘cheating as learning’.

For him it is important to think about cheating in relation to his teaching because this brings into focus power structures in an educational setting.

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ETMOOC Anniversary and Noam Chomsky

Well, Tuesday January 14th was like old home week as the ETMOOCers gathered around our twitter feed (#etmchat/#etmooc) and chatted about what we had accomplished since starting ETMOOC. Quite a buzz! Some people described it as a high school reunion!…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs