syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

AIS ICT Integration Conference #aisitic

It’s the day after the conference and I think I have con-lag (conference version of jetlag). Through the dazed expression though I am thinking allot about the work I saw from so many inspiring and innovative teachers. Here is a bit of a blurb about the teachers that really stood out for me…

Emma Clemens

It was so inspiring to see the cross curricular iBooks some of her upper primary students created and to be able to speak directly to the students who created them.…

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The Amazing Race of Knowledge~ You asked for it….here we go!!


Trying to keep library lessons exciting and engaging can be a challenge.  We don’t think of encyclopedias, Dewey Decimal, guide words or indexes as exciting catalysts for keeping students attention.  I have always struggled with keeping fourth and fifth graders motivated during these lessons and have always been disappointed when the “Information & Media Literacy” portion of the CRCT (Georgia’s standardized test) comes back with less than desirable results.…

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The Personalized Learning Environment Diagram and the Blended Learning Needs Assessment Template

I have been working on two ideas off and on for the past eight months and I thought I would share them in one spot to help out anyone else who is also working through how to create personalized learning environments within their schools and districts.…

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clarity on the three terms…

Here is the image of the three of them in the diagram, but this is the way I have been thinking about them:

  1. Google+ Community = Conversation (This is the daily flow of conversation that leads to better information sharing and gathering)
  2. Google Drive = Collaboration (These are the working documents and ideas that require the most work and attention.
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Use your Flickr Email address to create a group, event, or class PhotoStory. #edcampKC

Photo-collaboration using my Flickr Email at MOREnet conference

Photo created at MOREnet conference, Oct 14, 2013;
sent to my Flickr email address to build a group photo-story.

This is one of the photos created by educators in my Picture Perfect session at the MOREnet conference on October 14, 2013.…

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Free MOOC – Human Element: An Essential Online Course Component

Faculty eCommons

Please join Whitney Kilgore, Vice President, Academic Partnerships and Samantha Duque, Senior Consultant, Academic Partnerships International for a free, online MOOC starting October 21, 2013 through November 24, 2013.
Course Description
Students want to know their instructor. ……

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No Space to Debate MOOCs

MOOC criticism is warranted.  It should also be encouraged.  If the MOOC is going to be the disruptive technology that solves for the ills that plague higher education, critics play an integral role in pointing out the model’s inefficiencies and the consequences such a model will have outside of the educational structure (such as in theory, culture and policy).  …

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Mooc e Tutoria

Mobilizo também este blog tendo em vista participação em mais um Mooc (em portugues), no caso, sobre Tutoria, vai ser interessante acompanhar, mesmo sem muito tempo, já que a minha atividade se encontra diversificada..
Mas este blog em sua origem é resultado do meu primeiro Mooc , e Change11 – e outros….
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Gladwell’s David and Goliath and Design Thinking

Malcolm Gladwell’s new book David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants discusses perceived advantages and disadvantages and how appearances may not always be what the seem. The book has been received with some justifiable criticism (e.g. Christopher Chabris’ “The Trouble with Malcolm Gladwell”), but I’ve still found it interesting and thought-provocative for its potential applications in education, as we’re on the cusp of some radical and profound changes.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs