syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Week 4 – POT Class – Online Design and Pedagogy

This is a blog post for my Week 4 in my POT Course which stands for Program for Online Teaching. What intrigues me most about the course is a) even though it is free I can get a certificate if I stick with it to the end and b) the whole course is created in Google.…

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Increasing My Empathy

As I spend my time in Japan this year I am learning more about myself and the world around me. I am learning what it is like to be new to a system. I believe that this will increase the empathy I feel when I return to my counselling position.…

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Learning for working

This post is part of a series reflecting on my international study tour to Copenhagen, Berlin and London.

Angelika greets us this morning from the Oberstufenzentrum – Kommunikations, Informations und Medientechnik. The OSZ is a gymnasium offering more career focused education and vocational subjects.…

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October is Connected Educator Month!

Faculty eCommons

The U.S. Department of Education has declared October, 2013 this year’s Connected Educator Month, a four weeks-plus exploration of key educational issues through online communities and networks, dedicated to broadening and deepening educator participation, as ……

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Striking Berlin

Today we arrive at the Robert Junke Oberschule, an integrated Secondary School (ISS) named after the Austrian writer of nuclear weapons.  This school, which is an integrated version of the Hauptschule, Gesamtschule, and Realschule offers vocational classes such as woodwork, metalwork, textiles and home economics as well as basic education such as German, English and Physics.…

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Terry Fox – Leader, Inspiration….what badge would he get?

I’ve been thinking about a Failure Badge. Last week I was in a Make and Create Google Hangout with Ian O’Byrne, Fred Mindlin, Greg McVerry,  John Duhring and Per from Pandora  (Jewellery yes) Ian has blogged about his reflections of the hangout and the chat that continued into the ConnectedLearningTV’s Webinar on Open Badges.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs