syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Analysing Functions: Producing a race commentary.

The Advanced Maths students are at it again, producing some amazing work. Based on a task shared over 20 years ago by Bendigo Senior Secondary College teachers (apologies, I can’t remember the names, but I think one was Russell), students were given a set of 5 equations that modelled the paths of 5 turtles in “The Great Turtle Race’.…

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An Opportunity to Model Learning in the Open: OOE13

This school year, our district has worked to transform the culture of professional learning to one of Professional Learning Communities and collaboration. One of the aspects of this transformation is the idea that teachers are the “lead learners” in the classroom.

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Teaching Online for the First Time: 9 Helpful Resources

Faculty eCommons

Teaching online for the first time? Unsure where to start? Start here!
We’ve designed the Faculty eCommons to provide you proven strategies for online teaching. We cover a myriad of useful information, but if you’re ……

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I’ve just booted up in #learnmoodle, a MOOC, for Moodle Beginners.

It’s very badgey. Which will be interesting, as I haven’t done a badge based course yet. I’m not a badge earner, personally, but I’m really curious about the experience.

I’m engaging with the opening seminar, covering the pedfagogical background to Moodloe.…

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Donald Trump, Authorized Educator

The New York Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against Trump Entrepreneur Institute (formerly Trump University) for what it calls blatant lies and misleading information on the value of services it provides.  The lawsuit, which calls the initiative a sham (including calling themselves Trump University, showing pictures of certificates, exploring the connections a student can gain through association with the group), seeks $40,000,000 in restitution for individuals who have paid upwards of $35,000 for the opportunity to learn from Mr.…

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Capstone Kickoff…

logo_capstoneToday marks what I’d like to think for me are two pretty big events.  First, I begins the semester in which I’m officially working on my masters thesis in instructional design.  Second, I’m repurposing this blog to be a process book for my capstone.  …

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September – new school year – new outlook – new approaches

So it’s sweet September. Well today is September 2. It’s Labour Day which means tomorrow is the first day of a new school year.

My challenge (to myself) is to begin this twelfth year of teaching (hey, it’s my second career) with a fresh outlook.…

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A Collaborative Genius Hour Blog:

I am so excited to announce that I have just launched a new website:

After talking with Hugh McDonald the other day, we decided it would be great to have a place online where Genius Hour (or 20% time, innovation week, etc) teachers could cross-blog their stories and share in one space!

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A Collaborative Genius Hour Blog:

I am so excited to announce that I have just launched a new website:

After talking with Hugh McDonald the other day, we decided it would be great to have a place online where Genius Hour (or 20% time, innovation week, etc) teachers could cross-blog their stories and share in one space!

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A Copyright Tale

My friend @robwall sent me this tweet a couple of days ago:

The image that (currently) previews in that tweet isn’t the original photo that was posted to this Ars Technica article.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs