syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Faculty eCommons micro-MOOC Recommended on MOOC News & Reviews

Faculty eCommons

Register for our next micro-MOOC: Game Elements for Learning
July 1-28, 2013; Participants will explore (and experiment with) game elements to create engaging learning environments.
Faculty eCommons community member Rob Power reflects on his participation in the ……

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Looking for new Mooc

First I must apologize to as I did enjoy teachtheweb but after week 2 and a laptop issue,  I found I could not get re-interested. I quess this is why I tell people, MOOC’s are not for college students or at least not most of them.…

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Understanding by Design

I think it is fair to say that Project Based Learning (PBL) structures what students do and achieve in the learning process but gives relatively little support on how the teachers are to plans and structure the learning experiences culminating in the final project.
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The magic of the campus

At the LINC conference the question came up why we still have residential education given what is possible online nowadays. Professor Sanjay Sarma talked about the magic of the campus that does not happen online. In essence his point in his own words is “there is essential magic in residential in-person education that is difficult to articulate, let alone replicate online
One of the main points Sarma seems to make is that in what he calls “second order learning or higher order learning” moral values are installed in students.
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How Dr. Sabita Persaud Uses Social Media to Enable Authentic, Relevant Learning

Faculty eCommons

The open platforms of social media connect students to field experts, increase student-to-student interaction, and for one instructor, faciliate real-life scenarios that weave course topics and conversations into student’s everyday lives, enabling authentic, anytime-anywhere learning.
Want ……

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3 Easy Ideas for Student Introduction Assignments

Faculty eCommons

By asking students to introduce themselves at the beginning of a course, you promote social interaction and communication between students that helps pave the way for increased participation and engagement later in the course.
Although you ……

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#etmooc #ltis13 Mappa: trasparenza e Open Data


Ecco la penultima mappa delle lezioni sul cyberspazio dedicata a  Trasparenza-Open Data.

Non avendo provveduto a suo tempo a scaricare il podcast della trasmissione, e ora non più disponibile, nell’ elaborare la mappa ho utilizzato gli appunti presi durante l’ascolto della puntata e alcune risorse reperite in rete che, in parte, rimandano agli esperti interpellati nel corso della trasmissione.…

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Learn with Michelle Webinar: Animoto for Creating Engaging Videos

Faculty eCommons

Instructor-created videos foster a social presence with students and visually communicate curriculum-specific information, often more effectively than third-party videos. Animoto is a fun, easy-to-use tool that lets you create dynamic, professional videos that promote a ……

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Grade Ones as Teachers

This past Friday, my Grade Ones became teachers to a Kindergarten class. We have been using Educreations for a few months now and grasping a good understanding of how to use it. Compared to our Kindergarten learners, my students were “digital experts”.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs