syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

#etmooc #ltis13 Che fare con Flickr?

Il 20 maggio è stata lanciata una nuova versione di Flickr, non sono sicura che sia di mio gradimento. Trattandosi di un cambiamento inaspettato e per me non necessario, mi sono sentita tradita e indispettita. A giudicare dai commenti presenti nel forum di aiuto del sito di photo sharing il mio malumore è ampiamente condiviso, così sono portata a chiedere se gli utenti di flickr, disorientati dalla nuova veste, siano tutti conservatori.…

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A learning technology advisor is…

Last week I started my first position as a Learning Technology Advisor. Although I’d specialised in Information Learning Technology at my previous place of work this role is completely different and I have lots of exciting things to look forward to once I get over the ‘argh, I don’t know how to do anything stage’ that I’m currently experiencing.
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This is MY Curriculum for Kids: How to be an Explorer of the World

THIS IS IT! This IS MY overarching CURRICULUM for kids. Be an Explorer of the World–wherever you are in the world at any given moment.

If I can help kids see and approach their wide world DAILY through this lens of discovery, observation, questioning, pattern-seeking and curiosity…I will have done the job I believe in my heart to be an educator’s highest calling.…

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#etmooc #ltis13 Mappa 3: cultura hacker

Propongo una nuova mappa Vue che visualizza una sintesi della lezione di RADIO3SCIENZA del 10/05/2013 – Si fa presto a dire hacker. Ho constatato che ora il podcast nel sito non è più disponibile, conseguentemente sono soddisfatta per la lungimiranza che mi suggerito di scaricalo al momento del suo inserimento.…

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Latin III Exam Experiment

In my Latin III course, where we abandon the traditional textbooks in favor of a reading approach to cover advanced grammar, I ask students to keep an “Running Latin Commentary” (RLC) for all the work that we do together. This RLC is used to record notes on grammar, vocab.,…

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Journalist Dragon Noise

So the MOOC Bubble has gone POP! and now everything is breathing a big sigh of relief because the status quo has won and we can all smile happy thoughts and life goes on and all of the sooth sayers and witchfinder generals can laugh at their silly hats and masks.…

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Loading... Easily Turn Complex Data into Attractive Stories

Images and storytelling are deeply ingrained within human history as ways of sharing ideas—it’s no surprise they’re are also effective for teaching and learning.
On a mission to tell stories with data, lets you easily ……

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Hacking Public Domain ebooks for use in the Classroom

Video of Hacking Public Domain ebooks for use in the ClassroomThe assignment for Week 4 of Teach the Web has merged with the assignment for Week 5 as the whole project took much longer than expected.  My idea was to put together a small Popcorn project on how knowing a little HTML and CSS can let you augment public domain ebooks to provide an enhanced learning experience.  …

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Professional Portfolio – Teacher for Hire!

KelseyThom Hello and thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. Originally designed as a classroom forum for parent/student communication, assignment links, student collaboration, and  more while teaching at Thom Collegiate in Regina, I have become quite fond of this blog and decided to use it as a place to post my professional portfolio.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs