syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Dear Natasa It was so lovely to see you in action…

Dear Natasa

It was so lovely to see you in action yesterday at the VRT. I enjoyed your inspiring talk so much, with all the practical activities you demonstrated.

Many congratulations on presenting at a webinar for the first time – you did so well, and I was very happy for you 🙂

Now you have experienced the thrill and excitement of live webinars, I am sure you won't look back!…

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Defining Edu Terms & MOOC Simulacra

At the heart of the Open Education Resources movement (and the Open movement in general) is the notion that education is a public good.  The progression to such sentiment may be based in a notion that an educated citizenry betters democracy and civic life (folks like John Locke and Thomas Jefferson), or that knowledge and wisdom are non-rivalrous and non-excludable (Econ 101), or that the increase and diffusion of knowledge stimulates societal and cultural growth (James Smithson, John Quincy Adams).  …

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More student thoughts on iPads in Maths.

Some excerpts from student blog posts on the apps they find most useful for learning Maths.


In maths I think that the best apps are  mathletics and educreations. Mathletics is good because it includes different varieties of maths activities. There is live mathletics which is good because you can improve in your speed with different levels.…

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Introducing UKNIP

It is with great pleasure I can proudly announce I am the press officer for UKNIP (The Universities Knowledge Independence Party).

UKNIP believes that commercial interference in the running of Universities, the prime example of which are the foreign MOOCs coming to the UK and undermining our access policies.…

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A Shallow Collective?

As I begin my summer reading binge, I’ve been trying to balance my consumption of pro-technology materials to include anything that offers alternative and/or critical views of the new (e.g. tech.-focused) directions in education. Much like I’ve argued with questions of the value of foreign language, I think it’s healthy to face and even embrace criticism, since it helps us to build a fuller understand of why we do certain things in certain ways through reflection, lest our ideas become dogmatic or myopic.…

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Open Web Projects

Every day there seems to be yet another exciting open library/book project announced on the web.  Here are just a few recent ones that I think are interesting.

LibraryBox Project

Jason' Griffey's LibraryBox

cc (BY-NC-SA) licensed flickr photo by The Shifted Librarian

LibraryBox is a project that not only lets you carry around a whole library of public domain books in your pocket, it also lets you make those books available to anyone else in the immediate vicinity via the wifi capabilities of the box.  …

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Learning is not the same as Education (Unfortunately)

What is the point of education reform?  I feel like many people have jumped on the bandwagon in recent years, with myself included.  I have begun to rethink my interest in this “reform”.  I’ve been asking myself questions like, “Can education be reformed at all within the current system?”…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs