syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Advancing Agriculture in Africa: Mixing Low Tech, High Tech and High Touch Solutions

Below are a photos of the administrative and teaching blocks of the Uyole Agriculture Training Institute and Uyole Agriculture Research Center, just a few kilometers outside of Mbeya City in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, When I lived and worked there in the early 1980s, it was one of the premier training and research centers in the country.…

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Staff Learning & Capturing Voice

Learning alongside is powerful and builds collective efficacy that nutures relationships, trust and risk-taking. On April 9th, 2013, the @AncasterSrPS Grade 8 teaching staff and I spent time learning together with @bloggucation and @mrjarbenne. The day’s theme focussed on sharing … Continue reading

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Square Peg in a Black Hole – Why Massive Online Courses are Giving Universities a Run for Their Money


Having done a considerable amount of research on student learning and digital learning tools to build my capstone experience for my graduate work, during and prior to my edTech MOOC experience, has solidified the idea of open education for me. I can imagine what Buckminster Fuller, a strong influencer in my thinking and work, might say about all this connectivist methodology.

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Some Reflections on Digital Identity


On Youth Advisory website


With our continuing discussions about Digital Identities,@ChezVivian has written a wonderful blog post (Perfecting My Footprint in Life) exhorting us toward being authentic people online – full of character and integrity – as an extension of who we are in our daily lives.…

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Thinking About Heutagogy

Reblogged from Heutagogy Community of Practice:

Click to visit the original post

A few people have been thinking about heutagogy or heutagogical practices recently here in WordPress land, so let’s repost a few of these ideas here for everyone to read:

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Happy to see this collection and a group forming around the topic.
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Cronistoria del Movimento cinque stelle – / ca gi zero /

Ribloggato da Il neurone proteso:

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Riporto questo impressionante e ben documentato articolo. Trovato sul blog / ca gi zero /.

Per eventuali aggiornamenti, fate riferimento al post originale.

L’articolo originale è pubblicato sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione – Non commerciale – Non opere derivate 3.0 Unported License.

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Shifting to Quality Digital Learning with DLN Smart Series

Digital Learning Now! (DLN), Foundation for Excellence in Education, and Getting Smart have partnered up to deliver the Digital Learning Now! Smart Series.
The series, released through the rest of 2013, is a group of collaborative ……

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs