syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Thinglink interactive posters


Inspired by the #etmooc projects my students have just started to use with the interactive poster software . As I’m currently teaching a research module my students have been using the presentation tool to create posters that summarise their findings and share links to the sources that they have used – this has included embedding webpages and YouTube clips in to the posters.…

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Three Types of Interaction That Foster Student Engagement

This is part three of a three-part series on improving the quality of your online course. Below we explain where and how learner engagement occurs. Part one discussed how learning objectives build a solid foundation ……

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Launching the Journey: Orange City IA

etMOOC has finished, but it has started me. I went back to my opening post introducing myself to the group using PhotoPeach. I decided to retrace that introduction but in more depth, building upon some of the other posts that followed.…

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Connected from the Start

hand up

hand up by flickr user L.Bo via CC

Raise your hand if any of the following applies to you:

a) you hear people talking about using Skype or blogging in their classrooms, but really aren’t sure what they’re talking about or why they might want to do that;

b) you would LOVE to do some connecting with other classrooms around the world, but just aren’t sure how to take the first steps;

c) you have your class blogging, but would like to find some ways to take it “up a notch”, and find an authentic audience for your class;

d) you sometimes have an urge to pound your head against the wall, as you try to explain to people that meaningful, real tech integration is possible in their classrooms – even primary classrooms?…

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Maths@RSC 2013-04-19 08:27:59

Have a look at what Yr 10 Advanced Maths students created while learning about domains and ranges using the Desmos online graphing calculator. Their creative pictures are below on the page titled Using Graphs to Create Pictures with Desmos .

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Risk Taking and Innovation

Innovative Learning at Woodward Hill Elementary 

Risk taking and innovation seem to go hand in hand.  This point was driven home to me this week because the school at which I teach, Woodward Hill Elementary, was recently asked to share the innovative learning and teaching happening there with a group of educators at our district’s Engaging the Digital Learner Dinner Series workshop.

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La Cucuracha mini BYOD/T project : Spanish 10

My Spanish 10 classes were introduced to the song: La Cucaracha.
After having being taught and explained the words and phrases of the song: they were given a mini project to re-create the song with their zest and creativity.

While practicing the Spanish language, the students demonstrated what new vocabulary they have learned!…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs