syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Using Educreations… and failing at it

Sometimes the best learning happens when you fail.

Today, I messed up. I tried something new and although it seemed to be going smoothly at first, it didn’t end as well. I had my students use Educreations to record their learning on 3D shapes.…

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My #etMOOC experience – limits and benefits!

Alright well etMOOC has been over for a couple of weeks already – this fact already expressing the limit-benefit duality of my experience: I feel behind, yet it doesn’t matter!!!


etMOOC has been an overwhelming experience for me as I’ve felt like I were miles behind since the very beginning – I joined the course late and required more orientation than most.…

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A nossa mão e os avanços da tecnologia

Diversos autores como Vitor da Fonseca, Go Tani, Gallahue e Ozmoun,  Papalia (e outros) publicaram uma extensa bibliografia sobre as habilidades motoras do ser humano, ou seja, do desenvolvimento humano da criança até ao que denominamos de terceira idade, contemplando assim um estudo das diversas fases e das aquisições, da assimilação de novos aprendizados  e da adaptação do ser humano perante os artefatos manipulados e como estes artefatos, criados por nós mesmos, influem em uma adaptação cerebral ampliando com a assimilação de novas habilidades novos comportamentos motores que geram a seguir aprendizados diferenciados que facilitam o manuseio e/ou manipulação dos objetos em variadas facetas e unindo analisadores óticos, táteis, visuais e auditivos.
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3 Ways to Reduce Textbook Costs for Students

Textbooks earn publishers about $8 billion because students can spend over $1,000 for one semester’s required readings (source: Forbes).
As a faculty member, you have the power to influence student costs by merely considering your teaching ……

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Poetry Remix using HaikuDeck

This is Mary’s Remix using the app HaikuDeck.  Scaffolding writing by using the repetition from Lenore Keeshing-Tobias’ poem I Grew Up, made  writing a poem less intimidating.  Students walked around taking many images of their communities using the iPads or their own phones; images could even be uploaded from students’  facebook accounts.…

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Ode to my PLN

Dissertation book spine

Well, look what arrived at my home, yesterday, the hardcover copies of my dissertation! I was actually surprised at how thrilling it was to see my work published in such an official manner. As I opened the cover and looked inside, I was most struck by the copyright page.…

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Monitoring the Quality of the Nursing Capstone Course

Purdue University at Calumet (PUC) understands that a student learns best through real-life experiences and practical application of course instruction. “Experiential learning” is a key element in PUC’s six-year strategic plan and supports the University’s ……

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ideias, tendências e preocupações

Em São Paulo, durante o último sábado, aconteceu o  III EAD: Futuro da arte.

Durante a  jornada aconteceram alguns fatos que para mim ainda estão a ser digeridos.
o que mais gostei :

A formula TALK SHOW  que foi interessantíssima.Talvez…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs