syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Reflections on the spring term

Well, that just flew by. I can’t believe how fast it went! Christmas seems only a few weeks ago. So what has happened, and what have I learned?

I have completed stage one of a project I was involved in with a PE teacher who is one year on from me in terms of his career.…

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Reflections on the spring term

Well, that just flew by. I can’t believe how fast it went! Christmas seems only a few weeks ago. So what has happened, and what have I learned?

I have completed stage one of a project I was involved in with a PE teacher who is one year on from me in terms of his career.…

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#latchat Twitter Chat

I’ve had a great time participating in Twitter chats like “CAedchat“, with hashtag #caedchat, which happens Sunday evenings at 8pm PST and provides a forum for CA teachers to discuss current topics in education and pedagogy.  As far as I know, there exists no current live chat devoted to Latin and the ancient world, and so capitalizing on the popularity of Twitter chats like this one (cf.…

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It’s HERE! Dissemination of Learning Project…

Yes, the long-awaited presentation…

Click on this link and you will be taken to my and Leslie’s presentation.

What a journey.

What a ride.

Learned ALOT.

Went by too fast.

Created something really good!

Thanks Leslie :)

Cheers, Nadia


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Digital Citizenship: Putting Yourself Out There… Respectfully

In addition to this lovely professional reflection blog, I have a personal blog and a classroom blog.  I actually haven’t time for any of them, but because all the noise in my head needs to be sorted and put somewhere, one of the three places works for me.…

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Why Walk When You Can Fly – a final #etmooc reflection

This lyric, from a Mary Chapin Carpenter song of the same title, really sums up the experience of #etmooc, and why I was here. I came to #etmooc, at least partially, to find other people who wanted to fly – who wanted to push themselves beyond the everyday, who knew there was more out there, and who wanted to explore that “path less travelled by”.  …

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Open to Learning

This is one of two posts I’ve been meaning to write since I attended ASCD13 in Chicago over my spring break.

After I attended the ASCD Conference in Chicago, where I learned so much, I went home to my parents’ place for a different kind of lesson.…

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Revolving Open Doors

Last week at OER13 I presented with Cleo Hanaway on OpenJoyce, a new academic and educational space for researching and learning about James Joyce. One part of OpenJoyce is to look into how “open” is now defined and how it can best be understood and explained; this to me is the key – Open can be understood, but can it be explained?…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs