Google Earth/Maps Latin Project

Thanks to inspiration from the Power Searching with Google course, I developed a digital Classical scavenger hunt for our last JCL club meeting of the year that takes advantage of Google’s search-by-image feature. The experiment went well, and I’m looking forward to integrating the the use of images and Google Forms into my Latin classes next year.…

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#latchat Twitter Chat

I’ve had a great time participating in Twitter chats like “CAedchat“, with hashtag #caedchat, which happens Sunday evenings at 8pm PST and provides a forum for CA teachers to discuss current topics in education and pedagogy.  As far as I know, there exists no current live chat devoted to Latin and the ancient world, and so capitalizing on the popularity of Twitter chats like this one (cf.…

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What Digital Literacy Means to Me

I’ve been excited to share my thoughts on digital literacies for #ETMOOC, but I’ve had trouble thinking through the questions and framing them in my own experiences.  It’s one thing and a relatively easy one, at that to restate the communis opinio on “digital literacy”, but it’s been quite another thing to write down my own take on what the term means to me.…

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Beautiful Evil: The Challenge of Helen of Troy

Ruby Blondell is coming to the Getty Villa Saturday, 9/15 at 2pm to give a free public lecture Beautiful Evil: The Challenge of Helen of Troy.  She’s a well-known Classicist from the University of Washington, and the lecture should be very interesting.
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