syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Learning in an Ethos of Moocs


Classroom 2.0 Mooc

Classroom 2.0 Mooc has proven to be very informative and useful to my teaching.  Roger Shank spoke one Saturday morning about why large Stanford style Moocs may not work.  He stated, “larger is not better.”  The best learning, according to him, happens when there is a small group with a mentor learning about a subject they are interested in. …

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MHHE Making Super Adaptive Learning Affordable

This post is the first of a two part series with Brian Kibby, President, McGraw Hill Higher Education.
Imagine students receiving the instruction that they need in order to be successful, customized specifically for them based ……

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Time, Opportunity, and Learning: Which are the Constants and Which are the variables?

Joe Dillon really got me started thinking about the constants and variables within schools and other institutions of learning. It made me think that we should take the constants off the table and stop worrying about them and start focusing only on the variables, in this case the Learning.…

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Badges for Assessment – Why Not?

Ever since participating in a Blackboard Collaborate session with Doug Belshaw at ETMOOC 2013,  I’ve been wanting to learn more about badges as an authentic way for students to demonstrate and receive credit for their learning. With our province so heavily engaged in curriculum redesign, and with educators being called upon to consider new and innovative ways to plan, carry out and assess learning; I’m leaving no rock unturned in an effort to support them in their efforts.…

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Introversion and Technology: Update on My Quiet One

So, we’re at the point in our  project where the design teams have made decisions about whose building the space rover, whose  preparing the presentation and whose making sure everything gets done.  I was sitting at my desk Thursday watching my classic introvert work feverishly at the computer on her Glogster.…

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Want to Fix Education? Ditch TED.

I want to compare two texts.  The first is an op-ed by Richard Galant, a senior editor for CNN, entitled What if Students Learn Faster Without Teachers?  The second is a 1987 video by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics entitled A Private Universe (you will need to click the VoD button next to the 1 in Individual Program Descriptions).  …

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What promises are you making to learners?

I’m trying to create a set of norms or promises to live by in my collaborative work, but I would like to hear what other folks are promising to do for one another? What promises are you making to your stakeholders, whether they are learners or fellow professionals?…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs