syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

From Scarcity to Abundance: Genius Hour and a Week of Firsts

Photo Credit: Paco CT via Compfight cc 
Overflowing with abundance.  That is what this week has been.  Not just for myself as a chief learner but for my students as well.  Between professional development for myself, a whole lot of firsts in the classroom, to a magical Genius Hour in the classroom; this has been a memorable week. 
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#ETMOOC – Tra new literacies, video e sondaggio

Rifletto su due questioni che # etmooc propone per la settimana in corso: a) new literacies b) sondaggio; incomincio da quest’ultima dato che qui il confronto è stato più coinvolgente.

Per sentire il polso degli # etmooc’ers è stato elaborato un sondaggio di metà percorso, allo scopo sono state formulate domande relative a

  1.  partecipazione,
  2. cosa più preziosa appresa,
  3. aspetto più impegnativo,
  4. suggerimenti per migliorare le performance dei “cospiratori”,
  5. occupazione primaria dell’ intervistato,
  6. partecipazione a xMooc / cMooc,
  7. contemporanea partecipazione ad altri Mooc,
  8. Paese,
  9. disponibilità per un’eventuale intervista futura o focus group.
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Modifying Our Learning Environments


On Thursday I was able to participate in a Blackboard Collaborate session with Will Richardson, regarding the disparity between traditional school systems and the skills that our students will need to be successful in the future.

This session reinforced for me the following key ideas.

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Breaking the Vocational School Stigma

It seems that something is compelling me to write this post.
 I recently read an article by C.M. Rubin in The
Huffington Post
 titled “The Global Search for
Education:  What will Finland do Next?
 I enjoy reading case studies where educational systems have been
successfully designed, implemented, and culturally accepted.…

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One More Look @ Introversion: Digital Literacy and the Quiet Child

I wrote recently on how I use blogging to connect the introvert in my classroom  and have found it is making it much easier for my quiet students to connect to the lessons and participate with their classmates.  Something interesting is happening with one student in particular that I thought I’d share.…

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Sorry for the silence

Really – it’s me not you…..

I’m a believer (in ETMOOC)

Time after Time I try to connect and comment

But I’m working 9 to 5

Trying to Teach the Children Well

…..but I’d like to give us another chance!

I found a spare hour to catch up on some posts in Google + and watch Alan Levines webcast on Digital Storytelling.…

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Passion + Genius = Endless Possibilities

Endless possibilities..
The title for this post comes from one of my students, who whispered it in my ear as she hugged me on the way out the door today.  I had a wonderful time introducing the idea of Genius Hour to my students.  …

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Rhizomatic Thought, #etmooc

I came across a video and a couple of quotes today that illuminated and expanded for me some ideas I’ve been discussing in #etmooc about rhizomatic learning.

Brian Rose shared the NASA video Fiery Looping Rain on the Sun:

This kind of inspirational video leads to comments (270+ when I looked last, 4:00 pm EDT, Fri, Feb 22).…

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Initial Questions Regarding Digital Learning and Fluency

Who is deciding what = fluency?
Whose values are reflected? 
Some things I’ve heard about fluency: Fluency equals transparency, productivity, creativity–not just what tools to use and how to use them, but when to use them and why, and this is ideally developed through a boundary-less, informal, self-directed, socially-connected, collaborative, rhizomatic, explorative, and measured way.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs