syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Another example of the conversation moving away from traditional higher ed

From DSC:
While I think MOOCs have a ways to go, I continue to support them because they are forcing higher ed to innovate and experiment more.  But the conversation continues to move away from traditional higher ed, as the changes — especially the prices — aren’t changing fast enough.

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Regrouping … Part 2

*NOTE: This blog has really nothing to do with Ed Tech per-say …. however I thought I would share my thoughts. However it kind of goes with PART 1, so I have decided this is Part II. And yes I promise to ultimately get back to what Digital Learning is ….

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Standing at the EdTech (Cake) Buffet

cake buffet, cake, buffet, dessert, pie, banana cake


Have you ever stood at the desert table of a buffet and wanted to sample everything?  We usually have a friend who can divide and conquer the entire table with us.  After all, you do not want to carry two plates of desert by yourself.  …

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Dear PNL, I’m going off-line to “learn”

Tomorrow afternoon I will be heading to Calgary for our annual Teacher’s Convention. This is a required professional development event, and I am looking forward to connecting with my friends and possibly even a few interesting sessions.

I am not looking forward to the “learning” environment.…

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If We Care About Engagement Online…What Follows?

Garnering attention is really hard in today’s day and age. People are increasingly distracted by the varied media spaces that permeate our lives.
Consider this: 
Most people who multitask do so although it degrades their performance. The allure of competing medias simply make it harder and harder to focus.
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Digital Narratives and Literacy – thoughts now (subject to change)

#etmooc is continuing and I am really enjoying the experience of connecting with people all over the world, as well as having the push to be creative myself rather than looking at what it is that my students can do with tools – I am having playtime first.…

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#etmooc Literacies of Attention, Crap Detection, Participation, Collaboration, and Network Know-How

Alec Couros introduced Howard Rheingold.

As a sidebar, I am very jealous of all the books and bookshelves in Howard’s office/study/wherever he was presenting from. He even had a ladder. Sidebar over.

Below are my live notes. He talked fast and at the end ran out of time so went even faster so I don’t think I got everything.…

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Attention is the now currency. MOOCing with Howard Rheingold


As a design professor in the undergraduate level, I can say first hand that attention is the now currency. Also in my experience as a web designer and developer, attention is gold. I have had much success with my students using collaboration as a teaching tool.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs