syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Trial and error or trial and success learning?

Edward Thorndike is seen as the person who showed us “how to manage a trial and error experiment in a laboratory”. This video shows how an experiment like that took place:

For people who want to read more from Thorndike here is a great resource:

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Now Live: New Student Orientation 2.0

Academic Partnerships has released version 2.0 of the New Student Orientation (NSO). The NSO received an informal Quality Matters review and is designed to meet the Quality Matters Rubric standards. Reserved for partnering universities, the NSO introduces students to the institution’s learning environment before the first course of a program begins.…

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Credit: Fabio Gismondi

Credit: Fabio Gismondi

Finding the time to create a six word story was harder than I thought it would be. I started with photos of coffee, as I have some friends who I haven’t seen in a while and my thoughts went to what could happen if we could happen to meet for coffee – those thoughts seemed to naturally head to vodka before settling on fireworks – there is a link but this is not the blog for that story.…

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Humanizing #Global #Education Through E-Technologies Ppt Presentatio..

See on Scoop.itMDG Sustainable Education

Today’s students will need to both compete in a global knowledge-based economy and collaborate to devise and implement sol.. – A PowerPoint presentation

See on

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Stuff from all over the place: #edcMOOC Artefacts

What edcMOOC represented to me, before the course began

Videoscribe: What edcMOOC looked like to me
My intro video for etMOOC
Tweetchat Survey
Animation Software – Powered by GoAnimate.
Always On: What is lost. Week 2
Digital Storytelling: Wow, We’ve Been Glassed

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Digital Storytelling

Five Card Story: The Threads of Our Life

a Five Card Flickr story created by The Online Teacher

The light at the end of the tunnel can sometimes seem distant.

flickr photo by bionicteaching

However, if we build connections,

flickr photo by Serenae

The seeds of hope may flourish,

flickr photo by Serenae

And we may be nourished and enriched,

flickr photo by bionicteaching

Thereby finding the support to get back in the game.

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A new set of lenses

medium_2354086423Sometimes I think the experience of learning is rather more like putting on your eyeglasses, or getting a new set of prescription lenses. You see things that you have seen all along but perhaps now a bit more clearly. Or with more definition.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs