syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Wiley & Green Share the Latest in OER and Creative Commons

This is the third part of a three-part series on learning how to find open education resources. Read the first part of this series How to Conduct a Successful OER Search with Google; read the second part How to Find Creative Commons Licensed Material on Media Sharing Sites.…

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Personal learning network fatigue

One complaint I’ve always had about the edupunk and connected learning movements is how much darn work they require, which seems bound to leave a lot of people out or behind. Fundamentally, these successes aren’t shareable (go ahead, try and share your personal learning network with me), and so resist the kind of remixable refinement and elaboration that seems to be the engine of the age.…

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Administrators and Counsellors Partnering in Educational Leadership … Idea Inspired by ETMOOC

Reblogged from S Spellman Cann … Connecting, Collaborating and Continuing Education :

Click to visit the original post

I never underestimate the importance of the administration in any school, but an administrator who is showing digital leadership today is so important. George Couros models this extremely well.

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Which came first, the chicken or the egg? A Model for Change


©Debra Solomon granted permission to use image on this blog. Original found here.

When I first started the ETMOOC adventure, one question I was asking was, “Can I have some new glasses, please?”  I knew I wanted to expose myself to new ways of thinking and grow in my ability to communicate, share, and learn from others online.…

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Slices & Forkfuls of Pie


I’ve been thinking about my responsibility for learning a lot this week.  Certainly the more experienced online folk here in #etmooc have been influential and helpful, and have shared their tips, tricks and other very practical suggestions.  This sense of community has been invaluable as I start to ponder why I am doing this.…

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ETMOOC and the seven principles for good education

The first topic of ETMOOC, Connected learning is ending today. After given some opinions about the risks I see with connected learning I want to devote this post to my experiences with it in ETMOOC. I will focus on what I learned so far, why I think I learned and how I think my learning could improve further.…

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Holy Connectedness!!!

I just completed listening and watching the recorded session with George Couros titled “Becoming a Networked Educational Leader” (you can find the recorded Blackboard Collaborate session here).  Once again George reflected on many amazing examples of how being connected to students, families and staff has improved their experiences all round.…

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Magic 8 ball

To me Twitter is a little like a Magic 8 ball….I watch what it advises and act on it! It can point me to useful personal connections, interesting and often cutting edge articles, and even what to watch on the TV!…

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Flip Cameras

This week we had a twilight session focussing on progress over time. One part of the session was dedicated to flip cameras, as school have just purchased some and will be distributing some of them to each department. We had a quick chat and came up with the following ideas between us:

  • Debating (e.g.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs