Be Like a Kid!

Will Richardson said something during his blackboard collaborate session T3S3 – The Challenges & Opportunities of Modern Learning which struck a  chord with me. Something I hadn’t realised that I had already embraced and something that I can now identify that frustrates me when I am supporting other teachers’ learning.…

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Attention Please….

The beauty of watching a recorded etmooc session, means that I can stop half way in and respond to ideas whilst they are fresh before returning to the session. As I write this I am 26 minutes into Howard Rheingold’s session – Literacies of Attention, Crap Detection, Participation, Collaboration & Network Know-How.…

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Digital What?

It seems the last two weeks have flown by and I have completely missed Topic #2 Digital Storytelling! I have not had a chance to catch anything via google+, see anyones creative pieces, nor engage in any #etmchat. I have resorted to just sulk and peek shamefully at the 100plus messages in my gmail :( reminding me how much I have missed!…

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Holy Connectedness!!!

I just completed listening and watching the recorded session with George Couros titled “Becoming a Networked Educational Leader” (you can find the recorded Blackboard Collaborate session here).  Once again George reflected on many amazing examples of how being connected to students, families and staff has improved their experiences all round.…

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Isolation – WHY?

“Why do people have to be this lonely? What’s the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness?”

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Freshly MOOCed

So I completed my first etmooc session today and to tell you the truth it was really fun! If you suspect a hint of surprise, you would be right.  Having never experienced a MOOC before, even having read a little about it, I was unsure of what to expect. …

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Excited about #etmooc 2013

I am looking forward to participating in my first MOOC via #etmooc! I am curious to experience the benefits of learning in an open online environment and engaging with and learning from others around the world. I have experienced “online” training in the past few years, however being located away from the “host” country and the time zone difference will be a new challenge.…

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