syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Where the Beauty of the MOOC is Made Plain To Me

#etmooc has been a whirlwind of an adventure so far. The Twitter chats, blog and Google+ comments, and collaborative sessions have all helped to expand my thinking and connect me to inspiring fellow educators from around the world. In short, it’s been incredible.…

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Over the last few weeks of reading ETMOOC posts I’ve noticed that sometimes I leave a post open in a browser tab for days.  These posts-to-return-to-when-I-have-more-time exhibit a common feature – many of them contain infographics or interesting visual representations. In an activity like ETMOOC numerous open tabs is not a viable solution, so I decided to curate.…

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Rhizomes as an educational model



Image: Desmanthus4food copy left

Yesterday morning I attended Dave Cormier’s excellent session on rhizomatic learning as part of #etmooc. I first heard of the rhizome concept last year and was instantly drawn to it as a metaphor for connected learning. Although I’ve done a couple of short formal courses since returning from maternity leave, the majority of my learning since returning to work has been rhizomatic – seeing a point of interest, moving to it and making connections around it.…

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Sharing as an Ethical Responsibility

I’ve been listening to the rebroadcast of Dean Shareski’s ETMOOC Session “Sharing As Accountability” which you can find here. In it, he presents the argument that educators have an ethical responsibility to share. That is an intriguing notion (I would’ve used the word idea if this wasn’t an ed blog) that I had not considered.…

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Connected Learning Post

What does my PLE/PLN look like? How can I share it?

My personal learning network comprises of many individuals to whom I link through mostly Twitter and Pinterest.  Recently I have expanded to Google+ and have enjoyed the little bit I have done with Google Hangouts.
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Uncertainty Can Be Wonderful

On Monday night, I had the opportunity to attend Dave Cormier’s webinar on Rhizomatic Learning. I’ve been to hundreds of webinars, and this one cracked my top 10. Seriously– it was that good. Go watch it right after you read this post.
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ETMOOC:                                                                                                            That place between a course and a community

How to respond to criticism and influence people by Wiltwhatman is a fabulous post about the work that Alec Couros, Alison Seaman, and the other conspirators are doing to ensure that ETMOOC flies.  Below is the comment I posted on @wiltwhatman’s blog, but I have decided to post it here too, because I wanted to make my feelings more visible.
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ETMOOC:                                                                                                            That place between a course and a community

How to respond to criticism and influence people by Wiltwhatman is a fabulous post about the work that Alec Couros, Alison Seaman, and the other conspirators are doing to ensure that ETMOOC flies.  Below is the comment I posted on @wiltwhatman’s blog, but I have decided to post it here too, because I wanted to make my feelings more visible.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs