syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Once More into the Breach

One of the most read posts on this blog is Hidden in the blue box, a post published about this time last year. At the time I was pretty hopeful about actually clearing the box, finishing the thesis, publishing it, and adding some more letters to the end of my name.…

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How EDC MOOC became a cMOOC before it even began

A few months ago, I stumbled upon MOOCs. Immediately, I was hooked. I found Coursera, was intrigued by the EDC-MOOC course description and signed up in seconds flat. In November, I notice a rapid growth of Twitter followers. Surprised, I investigate and lo and behold, the new tweeps were course mates in this MOOC I had almost forgotten about.
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Ailsa’a Mooching 2013-01-27 05:15:00

This is my introductory post for ETMOOC. I am Ailsa Haxell, I’m a senior lecturer at AUT in NZ currently teaching papers that include mega sized classes of approximately 1000 students in the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences. As well as much smaller classes in the post grad papers to do with learning and teaching for clinical educators.…

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kgitch on #etmooc week two


After a few days disconnected, (though keeping track of the “Bill of Rights” drama and reading #etmooc blogs), these are my reflections on this past week.

#etmooc Blackboard Cheers!

I am thrilled to see people learning to blog and use Twitter.  …

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Could it be that sometimes a change of approach and a new perspective is what we really need?


The #ETMOOC topic this week has been Connected/Networked Learning, and I find myself on the verge of info/sensory-overload … not because I’ve had difficulty filtering and focusing on topics of interest or relevance (OK, maybe I have), but because I’ve participated in a variety of information-rich sessions, and now I find myself needing ‘quiet-time’ to process and synthesize all the garnered information.…

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#etmooc – MOOC Madness & Online Sharing

Posted in #etmooc

The Madness I’ve joined #etmooc. It’s been about a year since I last took a MOOC and now its time for me to delve once again into the wide world of MOOCs.   I love doing MOOCs, I think they can develop amazing learning communities, however in the beginning they can be so incredibly overwhelming.…

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Drink without drowning from the Twitter River

With some software, you can divide  the Twitter River into drinkable streams (Image: River Itchen Weir by neilalderney123 on flickr CC)

With some software, you can divide the Twitter River into drinkable streams
(Image: River Itchen Weir by neilalderney123 on flickr CC)

For the past few weeks, I’ve been participating in #etmooc, a massive open online course (MOOC) about educational technology and media.…

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Technology, How do I love thee …

No tech day

Well to be honest I don’t always love tech.

I use it frequently to teach my class , train others to use it in their class, expect my student to use it for their assignments and exams, help others with their issues with it and even play with my kids with it.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs