syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

ETMOOC: Digitizing Learning

Year 2013 seems so overwhelming and overcrowding. There is a variety of massive open online courses (MOOCs) that started at the same time. However, ETMOOC‘s topics attract my attention. This course includes not only some tools that can be a great potential in my EFL classrooms, but also sheds light on the theoretical background of a new theory that addresses the technological age.
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My Etmooc Journey

I’m 2 weeks late on my commitment to have a blog up and running before the end of 2012. It took registration in my first Mooc to push me towards publication. This is the #etmooc page of my blog. It’s purpose is to post, reflect on, disseminate and question my learning throughout this journey.…

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This is Digital Storytelling

Last week I introduced myself to the #ETMOOC course with a rather whimsical poster of me enjoying a snack and few tid bits of information. This week? I thought I’d tackle a few of the thoughts and ideas that came out of the Elluminate Live session last night.…

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The first act! ETMOOC

Ariving late at the gate – EtMooC

Well, a lot of water has passed under the bridge in just twenty-four hours (and I still need to hit the vocabulary using a translator Portuguese to English) then begin to swim.
I watched  the introductory debate video and it was amazing the amount of knowledge sharing.…

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Exploring the wide world of educational technology

I am starting the #etmooc, taking an online Sloan Consortium class in Adult Learners and finishing up a certificate in Online Teaching with Sloan Consortium.  In addition to the fulltime job this makes life very interesting.  I will use this space to discuss  ideas about using technology to enhance teaching and learning.…

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How do I share my learning?

I just participated in the introduction session on collaborate. It was really cool. I loved the interaction (although mine was minimal as I’m home with a baby). We were left with two questions, both of which I wish I had different answers to.…

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Wonder what happens in a MOOC?

Here’s an outline.

Alec Couros introduces the cMOOC called etMOOC in a BB session with about 65 of the 1500 participants worldwide, raising the question of what we do now that we have connected.

We step forward first thinking about that most fragile of human currency–trust.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs