syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Nancy Sims: Copyright in the K-12 Classroom

Our monthly “Key Instructional Contact” meeting had a guest speaker this month. Nancy Sims, from the University of Minnesota Library System spoke on Copyright in the K-12 Classroom. Group Meeting Notes can be found here.
Sims is a lawyer and Librarian.

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Duck! It’s another hash tag!


This is a picture of me, sitting at a cafeteria table, 3rd period, gloomy Tuesday, monitoring study hall. My colleague Rose is on the other side of the table–outside the frame–diligently working through a stack of grading.

An observant reader may notice the lack of stack in front of me.…

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Duck! It’s another hash tag!


This is a picture of me, sitting at a cafeteria table, 3rd period, gloomy Tuesday, monitoring study hall. My colleague Rose is on the other side of the table–outside the frame–diligently working through a stack of grading.

An observant reader may notice the lack of stack in front of me.…

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In the spirit of open

The post below does not relate specifically to our learning goals in ETMOOC, but it does deal with the concept of “open” and so I thought I would share it with you all.

I have just submitted a letter to the editor of the Times and Transcript a newspaper produced in Moncton, N.B.  …

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Twitter and blogging

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t social networking and following blogs like being at a party or conference.  When you walk into a place where you know no one, how do you decide who to connect with?  Do you choose the person wearing your favourite colour?  …

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Blog Introduction

I have created this Blogger site to document my progress through my very first MOOC, entitled #ETMOOC.  It will serve as a space for my reflections about the process as well as a platform from which I can collaborate with my fellow ETMOOCers.…

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Looking for Secondary Teacher-Librarians

After last night’s completely overwhelming, yet completely awesome introduction to Etmooc, I can see the need to narrow my circle of contacts a wee bit.  Though I still intend to participate fully in the whole experience, I would love to use this experience as an opportunity to connect with like-minded high school teacher-librarians.  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs