syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Os critérios

Combinar criterios, com anterioridade, para os alunos foi uma otima experiência no intuito de inibir tensões avaliativas e abrir um diálogo a mais com a criação do blog, onde cada um deveria preservar a sua individualidade perante o grupo.
Mas o mais importante foi diluir qualquer pensamento possível sobre obrigatoriedade; as leituras sobre autonomia e suporte inicial necessário para que a motivação e o engajamento ocorressem foram importantes.
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E-portfolios-PrPl E-portfolio

DNLE – Individual Assignment #5


Read and respond to one of the journal articles featured in and attached to this week’s Article Review Videos.
Choose 1 of the 5 articles, and click “Slides” at the top of the Article Review video to download that journal article PDF.
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Thinking Like Grass

Like most everyone else for the past six months, I’ve been thinking about MOOCs (note that on Susan Bainbridge’s current Connectivism Scoop page, easily half of the scooped articles are about MOOCs (2nd note: if you are at all interested in Connectivism and MOOCs, then you should follow Susan’s Scoop.…

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Hi ETMOOC. My name is Kim English and I am a Registered Nurse and Faculty member in the Trent/Fleming School of Nursing. My research area is in rural nursing and rural health — which may lead you to wonder what the heck I am doing here!!…

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MOOC Happenings

Trying to catch up on the buzz in the field as I not only gear up for the end of the year, but start to shift my focus from research to production of a dissertation…

Feed-Forward xMOOC – An idea of how to mix the course design of an xMOOC with the idealism of the OER movement.  …

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A wonderful voyage to sail through endless ocean of innovations involved in various projects

Hello e-mates,

I passed through painful but productive process of my project, and on the basis of that I am now becoming convinced that the more you make online courses interactive, collaborative and student cantered, the more you get your students motivated, inspired, responsive and responsible.
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7 C’s of Learning Design

Attended a learning design workshop at the University of Wollongong with Grainne Conole from the University of Leicester. I felt like a gate crasher, it was an in-house event, however, in keeping with Professor Conole’s philosophy of adopting open practices of sharing experiences and research, I will feel better about having enjoyed the UOW hospitality and lamingtons if I share some of the resources.…

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transformação da aprendizagem

Eis o vídeo sobre objeto de aprendizagem – Moocead, 
Eu respondi aos 5 primeiros videos da sequencia de um dos coordenadores do Moocead, mas evitei responder sobre o design. Não gosto de designs em EaD que aprisionam. Um bom design deve auxiliar e cooperar para a liberdade de agir do professor.,
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs