syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Greek Iconography Workshop Ideas

Right now I’m taking Google’s Power Searching online course and am enjoying it.  In our 4th lesson, I learned that images can be dragged/dropped directly into the search bar for imaged searches (but not on tablet devices; cf. below!).  I got to thinking that this could be incredibly useful in looking at Greek iconography with students. …

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How Twitter (and IdeaPaint) are transforming my classroom.

This summer I was looking for IDEAS; ways to make learning more engaging, collaborative, hands-on, and student-centered. I was specifically looking for a for new classroom arrangement to facilitate all this.  I found my inspiration via Twitter, and then I found some more inspiration from Twitter.

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career development CV

Yesterday I watched Shelly Terrell’s webinar on Career Development CV & ePorfolio Tips.
“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you are not” – Author Unknown.
Shelly’s webinar’s focused on developing a good CV or Resume to have better results when applying for a job but after watching the webinar I also think it goes beyond that.
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QR Codes and Foreign Languge Projects

About a month ago a colleague brought to my attention Bryan Caplan’s argument for the futility of foreign language instruction in this country.  I don’t buy the argument, of course, but it’s challenges like these that give us a chance to re-evaluate why we believe in what we do, if read constructively (cf.…

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my imagination

As novidades sempre mobilizam! E devem envolver tecnologia e escrita! As Imagens são sempre bem vindas também.

 As experiencias se acumulam e não devo, como Tutora, repetir experiencias mas sim, amplia-las. 
Três pontos me interessam esta semana:

-Apos Bloom, agora releio esta postagem sobre Maslow.
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Thank goodness for #etmooc

I am catching up on blog posts and RSS feed suggestions today and made it to one of my favourite topics – #etmooc.

Alec Couros is leading the way to create some kind of open online learning community for learners anywhere to come together and learn.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs