syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Getting ready

I’m sure by now most of you have heard of Arjana Blazic’s phenomenally successful TeachMeets. I have been lurking about these sessions with a growing itch to take part, and then I took the leap and I decided to propose a short talk, which was accepted.…

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LIFT: Get in the HABIT of using this APP!


I need all the help I can get to balance my home and school/tech life. I saw this app mentioned somewhere, most likely on Twitter, and I checked it out on my iPhone.

I downloaded this immediately and selected tasks to start tracking.
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the acquisition of flexible thinking

Rob  Gonsalves

Eu tenho acumulado  pensamentos, que me envolvem ao ler postagens muito interessantes mas, por absoluta falta de tempo, não repasso para a escrita aqui no blog.
Em diversos segmentos, nas escolas, os professores não conciliam a tecnologia como algo que agrega valor ao conhecimento.…

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life in drawers

A vida em gavetas é a minha inspiração nesta postagem após semanas afastada por motivo de trabalho.

Aprendi com o MOOC – CCK11 e Change a deixar o pensamento vagar entre as informações que recebo dos outros e as informações que transitam em mim mesma, fruto de experiências diversas que envolvem a  arte como um material humano (pintura e escultura, fotografias e filmes) e o movimento humano ao qual estou sempre ligada.…

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Wanted: More Communication With Parents


Last year I started a class website with hopes that parents/guardians would get a better idea of what their children were learning & doing at school. 

It included:

-a schedule of upcoming dates
-links to school district pdfs
-a form with which they could send me messages
-a class blog about upcoming units/projects
-list of daily homework and assignments
-links to educational websites
and more!

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs