syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

The Window: Post Christmas and Pre New Year

Where are you at this time? Have you examined (the/your) past? And contemplated the implications. And pondered and revisited viable, fruitful future options…

So have I. After all. We live in interesting times [a Chinese curse, rather amusingly].

So spend the next four days musing deeply on those next big leaps (remember, you can’t cross a canyon in two leaps).…

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Quegli automi antenati

Sono stata a lungo in silenzio, ma il lavoro dietro le quinte c’è stato, eccome!

Ho preso come punto di partenza di nuova indagine il corso Antropologia delle cyberculture proposto nella primavera 2009, al MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW). La mia scelta è motivata dalla volontà di avere una visione di più ampio respiro su temi centrali riguardanti le pratiche culturali e materiali che compongono le tecnologie digitali.…

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Ready to be an Active Participant

George Couros @gcouros July 20, 2012

This tweet is what moved me from being an observer on twitter to being ready to be an active participant.

The Harvard Business Review article could have been more appropriately titled “Mark Palmerston Still Fears Social Media” and would have summed up very visually how I have felt for many years about many aspects of social media; however the statement that most struck me is the sentence “Fearful, folly and flippant attitudes keep organizations from realizing the benefits of mass collaboration.”…

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Ready to be an Active Participant

George Couros @gcouros July 20, 2012

This tweet is what moved me from being an observer on twitter to being ready to be an active participant.

The Harvard Business Review article could have been more appropriately titled “Mark Palmerston Still Fears Social Media” and would have summed up very visually how I have felt for many years about many aspects of social media; however the statement that most struck me is the sentence “Fearful, folly and flippant attitudes keep organizations from realizing the benefits of mass collaboration.”…

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Learning Technologies: Resources to Explore

Here are some web resources to keep you entertained over the holiday weeks, no matter what you are celebrating. Wikidata is a free knowledge base that can be read and edited by humans and machines alike. It is for data what Wikimedia Commons is for media files: it centralizes access and management of structured data, […]

The post Learning Technologies: Resources to Explore appeared first on Faculty eCommons.…

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(Not) Using Technology In Schools

As a Teacher Candidate, I have the amazing opportunity of getting to use schools’ tech resources!  Recognizing the potential of these tools, such an advantage excites me.  However, it surprises me that so many teachers do not share the same enthusiasm.…

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Disrupting the education system: manifesto for edu-reformers


Here are seven powerful quotes.  Do you see the links?

1.  It is in fact a part of the function of education to help us escape, not from our own time — for we are bound by that — but from the intellectual and emotional limitations of our time.        

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DNLE #5 e-portfolios


Read and respond to one of the journal articles featured in and attached to this week’s Article Review Videos.
Your response should answer:

  • What is the title of the article, author of the article, and the name of the journal where the article was published

  • What are the 3 most interesting or surprising things you learned?
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DNLE #4 Learning Classification Chart using Bloom’s Taxonomy


Learning Classification Chart using Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Using Bloom’s Taxonomy (the original or an updated version, or Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy) find and indicate 1 existing educational technology for addressing each level of learning.

After reflecting on Bloom’s Taxonomy and linking educational tools I made this prezi.
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Why is it different this time?

Would be do-gooders in education have for decades preached the virtues of IT.  These early advocates did such a great job of (over)selling the promise of information technology, that cynicism (at worst) and indifference (at best) now greets the next bright-eyed do-gooder.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs