syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Here is the Learning Outcome & an iPod…GO!

We tried something new this past month in Health & Career 6/7.  Hugh McDonald and I wanted to give the students more opportunities to be creative (besides their Genius Hour time of course), so we gave groups of 4 students a Learning Outcome and an iPod and said make a short 60 second movie (inspired by Dean Shareski) proving your understand this Learning Outcome:

“Describes the benefits of being physically active on attaining and maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle” (BC Prescribed Learning Outcome)

Students had a wonderful time creating these short movies.
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EdcMooc: #1 “Are you my people?”

A favorite childhood story, Are you my Mother? by PD Eastman tells the story about a baby bird whose mother leaves her to secure food.  The impatient baby bird embarks upon a journey to discover who her mother might be … Continue reading

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A new year and some new projects for 2013 in the library!  We don’t start back to school for a couple of weeks yet, but that doesn’t mean teachers aren’t hard at work. I been running across excellent resources for my new projects and get them organised before I forget.

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Rewiring Our Feelings

James E. Zull’s book The Art of Changing the Brain makes a very useful connection between emotions and learning. Traditional education and scholarship has worked hard to minimize emotions within the Academy, and if Zull is correct, then this is most unfortunate.…

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Allow Me to Introduce Myself

I let myself get caught up with several of the new Google+ Communities over Christmas break. While I’ve mostly been seeing a lot of cross-posting by some of the bigger “ed tech” heavy-weights spamming opportunities and interesting articles across several communities (mostly good mind you), there have been a few bright points of conversation, most of them stemming from Steve Hargadon’s Education Revolution community.…

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#2013EVO Mentoring and much much more

This was supposed to be a post about the Mentoring EVO starting next week, but I got carried away again…

There is so much to look forward to this year. Apart from the day-to-day fun of being a full-time dad, there are be a few other excitements awaiting me in the next few moths.…

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Finding Focus in the MOOC Haze

When I began this blog, I intended it as a curation of the MOOC discussion, weaving in the current news with historical reference and adjacent issues in education.  That ended quickly, as the MOOCstrom (think Norway on that one) is relentless, with a barrage of new articles popping across email, blogs, RSS and social media.  …

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The Moment of Truth


Perenoel1875-1 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

He stared.  He glared.  His lip pursed.  His forehead crinkled.  He was silent.  “What’s wrong bud?” I queried as I busily put away the dishes.
“Are you and dad Santa?” the silence was broken with a knockdown punch. …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs