syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Leveraging the ‘Instrumented’ Pocket & Backpack

Many of our students, not all, carry with them daily very powerful devices. My team and I often position that many students have what we call ‘instrumented’ pockets and backpacks.  I think we would all agree that pockets and backpacks … Continue reading

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Interesting series on Group Work and Online Learning (via Online…

Interesting series on Group Work and Online Learning (via Online Learning Insights)

Here are the links to a three part series on the importance of Group work and online learning. The posts provide good information, advice and suggestions. A lot of the points discussed in this series will be very familiar to teachers who have created/facilitated group work online…


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6th grade Science Loesson #SciencePun #studentcentered #scichat #science #soil

LoESS administering/delivering a curriculum TO kids is MORE….especially when it’s a lesson on SOIL. haha #sciencepun

Putting the kids in the driver’s seat. WINNING!

After #edcampOmaha I’m stoked. Let’s get this day going. Let the kids ‘dig in’ and have fun while learning.…

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Resources for the Deployment of Tablets

After researching, setting up and documenting our small tablet deployment at the college, I realized that sharing the resources might help others that have a similiar project.

Our tablet deployment has been set up to encourage faculty and staff to use the new technology for their own purposes (play, try, discover) while they think of how it may or may not affect their teaching practices or their use of technology in the classroom.…

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Punishment Doesn’t Work.


Look at peer-reviewed research on corrections systems.  Look at peer-reviewed articles on behavioural strategies employed by the military.   Look at peer-reviewed work on classroom behaviour management.  Look up “punishment” on Google.  You will find an incredible amount of literature all agreeing on one thing:  punishment doesn’t work. 
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs