syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Storify, a way to share links in one place?

I’ve been trying to think of a way to share all EDCMOOC links on one platform. I thought of storify, and I’m not sure this is the best way, however, it does seem to work. If you haven’t encountered storify before, its a platform that lets you create a story or narrative using posts from various social networking sites, including images and video.…

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O meio acadêmico vivenciado na Universidade é resistente para com publicações online. O habitus que ampara e nutre os curriculum vitae de inúmeros professores ainda se encontra fortalecido por antigas exigências e por falta de critérios para fortalecimento de novas bases e perspectivas.…

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#BeyondFacebook12 – Open Online Course 4HS Students By HS Students


The OC@ADLC will be offering an Open Online Course Pilot for High School Students

Topic: Blog Creation and Social Media Integration

(Subtopics: Digital/Social Media Literacy, Digital Citizenship and Digitial Identity)


  • In groups in an open online environment learners will create a blog, then send it out to the world.
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#oped12 «…Sulle spalle di giganti»

[…] C’ è un valore in una borsa di studio aperta? Se sì, chi ne è il destinatario: lo studente, l’educatore, l’università?

È questo, in estrema sintesi, il quesito della decima settimana di oped12 al quale mi propongo di rispondere, ponendo l’accento sul processo attraverso il quale sono giunta all’elaborazione della mia risposta.…

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Tips Up or Tips Down?

cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by courosa

I just returned from the grocery shopping with my five-year-old son. As we approached the fruit section, my curious little guy asked, “Do bananas grow with tips up or with tips down?”…

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"A learner’s motivation is a direct result of the sum of interactions with study mates and the teacher"

Project # 6

t is said that the internet is transforming society and shaping the future through chat.

After I made a provision of discussion, some student themselves suggested me to do something so that they feel free to interact and collaborate both synchronously and asynchronously.
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Having a good discussion is like having riches.

Hello friends,

Eleanor Roosevelt has once said that great mind discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, debate and dissent. Having a good discussion is like having riches.

I got inspired by Nicenet.
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Recently Julia Gillard, Australia’s Prime Minister, launched a competition to find the country’s best teacher.  She asked people to share memories of their favourite teacher on her Facebook page, unfortunately preventing any student under the age 13 from sharing their favourite teacher.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs