syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Now what have I gone and done?

As I sometimes do over the holidays, when I have a few minutes to sit and think, I go and sign up for stuff. This time around I signed up for the RPS Half and an ETMOOC.

I have found that Twitter has completely changed my PLN, introducing me to tons of new people who share my view of education and with whom I can collaborate at anytime of day or night.…

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I think the best way to understand how and why educators need to change practice is for educators to be students themselves. But not traditional students in a traditional course either face-to-face or online. Not a course that has deadlines, pre-determined activities, and averages.
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What is #etmooc? And why you should join us…

#ETMOOC is an opportunity.  The very worst thing that could happen to you if you join #ETMOOC is that you could learn a few new things, and connect with a few new learners, like yourself.

It’s free.

It is not evaluative.…

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After reading about moocs for a long time now, I think it’s about time I tried one out. The one I’ve chosen for my personal experiment is etmooc, and I will publish all the blog entires related to the course here under the category «etmooc».…

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I will be starting my first MOOC next week. A MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course. You can find out more about ETMOOC here. I am looking forward to participating in this course and I hope to expand my understanding of online learning.…

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Next week #etmooc begins! I am looking forward to joining in my first MOOC – Massive Open Online Course. Etmooc will be covering a range of topics, including: connected learning, digital story telling, digital literacy, the open movement and digital citizenship.…

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#etmooc 2013

I am excited to share that I have joined a global community of educators who are collaborating together over the next few months via ETMOOC. This opportunity came about through my PLN on twitter and as my Masters is complete, I have decided to jump into a new way of learning.

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Facing My Fears

Whew!  I am very pleased that my first EDCI 515 illuminate session went smoothly.  Any apprehensions I had are now alleviated as everything worked well (audio, display and Valerie’s tour of our course site) for me.  I am excited about this course but realize I must, once again, initiate a Twitter relationship.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs