syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Disillusioned Feminism

Nederlands: portret van Rebecca Walker

I have spent the better part of my life being keenly aware and proud of the feminist movement.  My mother was a hard-working nurse throughout my childhood, and my grandmother also was a widowed working woman for an insurance company, once owned by my deceased grandfather; their example and wisdom taught me much about the feminist movement for rights and liberty. 

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Happy, happy!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season.  I hope that the next couple of weeks are a time of fun, family, and friends, but also a time to relax, recharge and rejuvenate.  Happy holidays, everyone!…

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We are Warm Sweaters

During this season we tend to get wrapped up in the excitement, anticipation and fun of the holidays.  We look forward to the break from school and work,  hoping to spend time with family and friends, celebrating, reconnecting and sharing gifts, joy, and love.  …

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Ten Reasons Why Teachers Must Be Magic


A wonderful letter from Santa from the 21st  Century Educational Technology and Learning blog by Michael Gorman.  Check out his blog for this post and much more.

A Special Letter From Santa… Ten Reasons Why Teachers Must Be Magic!

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Getting to know “Professional Me”

I taught for 10 years and then took a short hiatus from teaching.  I have now been substitute teaching for the past year and am looking forward to pursuing a new teaching contract with my own classroom again.  I’ve put together a short Sliderocket presentation to share with principals as an introduction to Professional Me.…

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My Learning Addiction

When people find out that I’ve just completed a university class and have registered for another one next term, years after getting my Bachelor of Education degree, they often ask one of the following questions:

Are you getting your Masters? (No.)…

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ECMP Reflection Presentation

For our final presentation/final exam for our ECMP355 class we had to do a modified Pecha Kucha presentation – we used 16 slides for 15 seconds each.  The theme was to explore what we had learned in our class over the term, providing narration for our slides.  …

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Inspired and lonely – the collision!

It seems that when inspiration collides head-long into loneliness and self-doubt – I find myself lofting into the great unknown.  The last serious life-changing collision was in the Spring of 2002 – where I met my husband in an online dating service after a lonely Easter weekend.  …

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If we keep doing the same thing the same way…

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Attributed to Albert Einstein.

I’ve been writing this blog since 2005 and I’ve been trying to help volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs grow in the Chicago region since 1993 when I created the Tutor/Mentor Connection.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs