Useful or Not??

After spending these past few weeks learning a new technology, Classroom Suite in my case, I began to wonder how useful this software really is in using it for teaching purposes.  Are the features attractive?  What are some possibilities?  Would students like using it? …

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My learning journey with Classroom Suite by IntelliTools has been anything but boring!  In my last post I indicated I was looking up the PLO’s for the lesson I am planning.  Wowzers!  Looking them up was a challenge in itself!  So many outcomes to read through, so many pages of text, and what’s up with that silly database anyhow??!! …

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Pluggin’ Along….

Spring Break is here!  I love this time of the year….Spring, and then my favourite season…Summer.  I always feel so encouraged and motivated when I can get outside to play more often, I truly love warm weather!  Many of my colleagues are travelling to distant places this spring break in search of sun and warmth, I’m green with envy!  …

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Still in the Works!

This past week has flown by.  All the best intentions, just not enough time in the day!  I’ve packed home my work laptop each day in an effort to begin learning the Classroom Suite software by IntelliTools in the evenings.  Funny thing is…I’m spending more time learning it at work through my discussions with the support workers! …

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How ‘Cool’ is this!

I’m new to blogging.  It feels kinda weird writing thoughts down for everyone to read….and I mean everyone….anyone out there in cyberspace can be reading my thoughts….and I have proof they are!

Last week I started blogging about the new technology I am going to learn…I chose to learn the Classroom Suite software by IntelliTools.    …

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A New Adventure….

It’s been one new adventure after another lately…with all this new technology I’ve been learning about, I haven’t had the time to stop and get off one adventure before beginning another.  It has been rather exciting, scary, interesting and fun…yes, kinda fun too. …

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