Connected Learning, Thanks to My Neighbors

We were challenged to answer a few questions this week during the Connected Learning module in #ETMOOC.

One question is “What does my PLE/PLN look like? How can I share it?”

First of all, I had to look up PLE  because I had forgotten what it meant.…

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Considering Issues and PLNs for Support #etmooc

I struggle with the issues of today’s education policies in the US. I know every teacher in my school is focused on our students’ learning. So all the negativity of “accountability”– degrades who they are, and they are wonderful teachers.

So I ask this:

Weather and Whether: education is more than tests; #etmooc from Sheri Edwards on Vimeo.…

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Building Our Neighborhood Neighbourhood #midlev #etmooc


Welcome to our wiki!  We have members !  We have resources, including a Diigo group and Evernote Notebook.

We have ideas for prompts and projects on the page Possible Projects.

All because we, together, want to build a neighborhood for support and sustenance in this hectic education world.…

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Building Neighborhoods #etmooc #midleved : an invitation


We’re building a new neighborhood. Want to visit for a while?

As I learn more about PLNs through #etmooc, especially from @bhwilkoff, I realize I have a responsibility to help find and support the sub-committees that have a common focus.  …

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