Thinking Outside of the Box with BCHS Career Speed Dating


Today was Bishop Carroll’s second annual Career Speed Dating Event. An opportunity where we invite Bishop Carroll Alumni, Parents and Students to come together and have a discussion about the many pathways and ways we earn a living in todays society.…

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Creating a Compassionate Community


This past Tuesday we offered our 3rd annual Mental Health Symposium. It was held  during the morning and brought over 100 students, staff, and guests together to discuss why mental health is so important, especially during our high school years.…

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Creating a Culture of Caring At Bishop Carroll

One of the best things about my job at Bishop Carroll, is empowering my students to create a positive change in the world. Over the past month I have been working with a student lead initiative called #CarrollCulture as a part of our recently established Spectrum Club.…

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Supporting Students Who Experience Anxiety

Anxiety is the anticipation of the unexpected. It is a normal part of life. When harnessed it can be a positive force that can encourage us to take a chance and try something new.

However, as with all things in life, too much of anything is not good for you.…

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A Glimps into Living With Schizophrenia

This week my Innovation and Change Coursera Course asked me to ask the customer what they need. For me as a school counsellor, my students are my “customers” and it’s important for me to keep in touch with what they need.…

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A Glimps into Living With Schizophrenia

This week my Innovation and Change Coursera Course asked me to ask the customer what they need. For me as a school counsellor, my students are my “customers” and it’s important for me to keep in touch with what they need.…

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Making Ripples Around the World


I am working in Japan this year and I have chosen to take a MOOC on Social Psychology while I am away. Now I chose the course before I decided to move, but I think that fate stepped in because the content of this course seems so relevant to me right now.…

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Moving to Japan and Reflecting on Compassion

My day of compassion


On Friday September 6th,2013 I attempted to complete my day of compassion. For this project I will refer to compassion as the sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it (

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Summer is a great time for reflection

This week I had a lot of fun tinkering around online, thanks for the great ideas Open Spokes. I was  trying out new ideas while reflecting on what I want to teach my kids. 

I started out playing with the new haiku deck app… see the following link,

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Reach Out- Social Media Helping to Relieve Tension in Times of Pressure

Yesterday I woke up to a surreal situation. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, my hometown, the place where I have lived since birth, was declared to be in a state of emergency due to flooding. I heard it on the news and then went straight to my twitter account to gain all the latest up to date information.…

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