Role Reversal Part of the #ETMOOC Experience

Tonight as I sat down to enter my #ETMOOC chat, my daughter was making a great supper. As I began to open up my laptop, get my cell phone ready so that I could  to begin to find the hashtag to enter a twitterchat for #etmchat , here’s what my daughter said.…

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#etmooc Not a four letter word (anymore)

Two days have passed since the collaborative #etmooc experience. I'm catching up: The weather is much improved and I have a reliable Internet connection with which to move data. The point of this post is the cMOOC (connectivist Massive Open Online Course) as described during the #etmooc Orientation Week Activity.…

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#etmooc Not a four letter word (anymore)

Two days have passed since the collaborative #etmooc experience. I'm catching up: The weather is much improved and I have a reliable Internet connection with which to move data. The point of this post is the cMOOC (connectivist Massive Open Online Course) as described during the #etmooc Orientation Week Activity.…

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Educate From The Heart To The Heart

I hope all school counsellors and teachers do this. As school counsellors we deal with such emotional issues and if we cannnot connect to the heart of a student we will never be able to help them . I know what I do impacts those around me and everyday I attempt to do the best I can by reaching out with heartfelt compassion to those around me.…

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Connecting with like minded people…My ETMOOC Introduction

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Hoping you enjoy my Introduction. I am learning … so playing with all the options to see how this works. This video shows how to embed a smilebox slideshow into your wordpress blog.

Still figuring things out!…

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Courses as Maps or Incendiary Devices

math atheistWhen I was an undergraduate and a graduate student, I used to hate taking classes. Classes were generally mind-numbingly boring. When I was doing graduate coursework, I played a game of hangman during class in which I got to put in a new body part every time a certain number of minutes passed.…

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Orientation day.

Orientations. I’ve had a few. But then again. None good enough to mention.  Typically, my experience is…

Someone is telling you an awfully large amount of information that is absolutely necessary for you to assimilate in a manner which guarantees you will have forgotten it before the person has finished saying it.…

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My Intro for #ETMOOC

I’m using the #ETMOOC experience as an excuse to push the boundaries of my thoughts surrounding online, participatory learning, technology, identity, community and a lot of psychological assumptions that may very well be culturally conditioned and perhaps without warrant. I want to explore the current conceptions (and misconceptions) of technology in education, digital networks, the constraints that we as a culture have applied to our own learning processes and how the possibility of being autonomous and anonymous while learning affects my own perception of self.…

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