The stay-at-home mom’s introduction to #etmooc

Disclaimer – I really wanted to make a cool animation to introduce myself, but this was what I had time for today after the kids were in bed.  Thanks for understanding.

Hi, everyone.  My name is Jeanne Garvey.  I live in Collingswood, NJ. …

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ETMOOC Orientation

Today is day 1 of the Educational Technology Massive Open Online Course. Pretty pumped about it! Over 67 countries are being represent and the map of the already over 1200 participants is amazing!  Check out the map here. So starts my adventure into something really amazing!…

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#etmooc intro

I’m just about to embark on another MOOC.   In etmooc I’ll be contributing to  conversations about:   social/participatory media, blended/online learning environments, digital literacies, open education, digital citizenship/identity, copyright/copyleft, and multimedia in education. Right up my street then!

The first task is toCreate an introductory post, video, podcast, slideshow, etc.,…

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What is the startup effect?

Today is a very special day!

Not only is it the start of #etmooc but it is also the first ever startup effect interview day at KIPP Central City! We have narrowed down the field to 20 8th graders, which was not easy considering we had so many fantastic applications, and we are eager to see how the finalists perform in a real job interview.…

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I am so excited to begin this ETMOOC (educational technology open online course) with over a thousand members worldwide. I look forward to participating in the weekly learning sessions and Twitter chats and learning with and from all the great educators who are leading and taking part in the course.…

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#Etmooc here I come!

Having signed up for #etmooc I have been wondering if I will be able to actually do the tasks and here I am writing my first entry on the blog I just set up! I am very excited about being involved in the mooc, something I have never done before but I know I will learn heaps and connect with lots of other educators out there.…

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Introduction for #ETMOOC

Hello.  I’m Cameron Bales.  I’m a licensed teacher in Ottawa Canada who is very happy to actually be training medical offices to use Electronic Medical Records.  I have a delightful wife and daughter.

I’ve been a professional in the Educational Technology Space – I was on a team that produced a CD full of HyperCard stacks for an Introductory Physics Cours, and I’ve authored a business course for a BlackBoard System.…

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