What Is Really Important In Life

Shouldn’t we teach all students as if they were Zach? In #openspokes we have been discussing what is important to teach our young people. I believe Zach’s message of hope is one all teachers as well as students can learn from.…

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There Are So Many Ways To Contribute to Calgary


It is more than a week ago that schools were cancelled because of flooding in Calgary. Calgary would be in a state of emergency  for many more days to come.

It is one of those days when you will never forget where you were and what you were doing.…

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ISTE 2013 Reflections

I had an amazing experience at the 2013 ISTE conference in San Antonio this past week (June 22-26) and will be reflecting on it for quite some time, I’m sure. It was a different experience than I expected, but one that nonetheless exceeded all my expectations. My …

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So there’s a new Bill?

Tonight my twitter feed is flowing fast as the Australian Political leadership contest is played out in front of our eyes. Lost in those feeds is the news that the Australian Education Bill 2013 was passed in the senate.  What this means in the political future, it seems no one can predict, but it shouldn’t make it any less important.…

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Calgary … Floods and A Hopeful Community 2013

Calgary … An amazing community of people willing to

make a difference.

Calgary is experiencing as @CBC says one of the worst natural disasters in Canadian history. Social media has a positive part to play in helping inform and help in the days, weeks and months to come.

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The Tough Topics in Education … Suicide

This week in #openspokes we were asked to tackle the tough topics and I decided to tackle the topic of suicide which is NOT easy.

School Counsellors often have to assist students with the grief process. Over the years I have seen students who have lost parents, siblings, friends, classmates and family members some due to a completed suicide which is the most tragic of all.…

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Summer PD Plans

Following up +Jennifer Peyrot‘s helpful post on her plans for “Summer Learning Fun” and thanks to the inspiration found in the scores of Twitter chats happening every day, I figured it’d be a good idea for me to consolidate some of my own plans for next year.…

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HW "Three For All" PD Program

I’ve casually mentioned our “Three For All” program for professional development to a few colleagues from other schools, and based on the questions asked about it, I thought it may be worth sharing to a wider audience.

We’ll be starting our 1:1 laptop program next year in 7th grade, before rolling it out to 7-9 and 7-12 in the next two years, and to better prepare our faculty and staff to use the devices effectively, we contemplated all varieties of PD plans.…

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The Power of Misconception

“Misconception” is one of those words that makes you slump your shoulders and sigh. It’s not inspiring like “creativity” or “glee.” In fact, in education circles we often resort to “alternate conception” so we’re not starting the conversation at a bad place.…

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Latin III Exam Experiment

In my Latin III course, where we abandon the traditional textbooks in favor of a reading approach to cover advanced grammar, I ask students to keep an “Running Latin Commentary” (RLC) for all the work that we do together. This RLC is used to record notes on grammar, vocab.,…

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