GLEAN: A Teaching and Learning “Sweet Spot” Between Enterprise and Web 2.0 Tools

Around 2006-2007, our lives began to change as Web 2.0 technologies transformed the Web from a static repository of content into an interactive dialogue. Before long, most of us were reading blog posts written by ……

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‘Where are’ vs. ‘who are’ the professors. Thoughts on Google Hangouts and #edcmooc

I am catching up on some of the readings and work associated with E-Learning and Digital Cultures and just viewed the recorded version of the end-of-the-week Google Hangout (below) hosted by the organizers of this Coursera course. I wanted to take a moment to comment on my experience – and my aha’s about Hangouts as part of MOOC design.…

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Tools, Tools, and More Tools (Google Hangout Take 2)

Took my second attempt at conducting a Google Hangout.  This time from my office to make use of my new iMac and duel screen. I am puzzled that my 4-year-old MacBook at home, seemingly on it’s last leg, out performed my 6 month old iMac.…

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Google Hangout First Attempt #etmooc

I tried my hand at a Google Hangout for the first time today, which turned into an exercise of futility. However in the end I end up with a half way decent vlog. The general idea of the Hangout, outlined in my previous blog entry, was to offer some tips and strategies for working through the MOOC as well as hear what other were doing.…

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