Guided Access on an iPad

We posted a video yesterday about how to set up guided access on iOS devices. I figured some viewers would immediately figure it out and no other explanation would be needed. If you have worked in educational technology you probably immediately see the potential for this feature.…

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A #SixWordStory About Real-Life Superheroes!

Okay, so I’m quickly discovering that this digital storytelling topic is going to be full of fun! I love to create, especially when it involves imagery and storytelling. Yesterday, I saw this tweet retweeted in my stream and thought it was the perfect inspiration for a new #sixwordstory.…

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We’re Getting a Mac Lab or Yup, I’m Bragging

Several months ago one of my parents approached me with an opportunity to apply for a grant through the Arizona Diamondbacks organization. Unfortunately we didn’t make the final cut. Undaunted, Lisa Cvijanovich kept searching for available funds to support a multimedia production studio (MMPS) at Knox Gifted Academy.…

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