Fighting Linkrot

I quite often read above my understanding age, which is why Hapgood is in my RSS feeds. The other day I read: Connected Copies where I read this:

the future of the web involves moving away from the idea of centralized, authoritative locations and into something I call “connected copies”.

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Title: Life in Links: BETT 2016

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Enviable Stuff 2015-12-14

From my Pinboard

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Life in Links 2015-04-12


From Pinboard: bookmarks for johnjohnston for the most part.

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Life in Links 2015-01-11

Some links I’ve Pinboarded this week:

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Friendly Monsters

Some recent links from my Pinboard. Mostly related to open resources.


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Life in Links 2014-09-16

Some things I’ve added to Pinboard recently.

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RSS Serendipity

I woke up the other morning morning to a bit of serendipity in my RSS reader that cheered me up.
First I read Alan’s great post Don’t Be a Platform Pawn. Next up was Marco Arment Linking and quoting Waffle on Social Media which quoted in turn Community Services which pointed to What’s a Twitter Timeline?

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Life in Links 2014-08-11

Chain black&white by yostD7000
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

A few things from my Pinboard bookmarks from the last week.

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