Virtual Reality for Learning

​Virtual reality is just awesome! I remember how thrilled I was on the Disney World ride that took me through the bloodstream. I can only imagine how exciting it will be to experience travelling through an actual blood vessel.
The Horizon Report: 2016 K-12 Edition article on Virtual Reality, gives “computer generated environments that simulate the physical presence of people and/or objects and realistic sensory experiences” two to three years to be mainstream in schools.
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Edtech you can trust

​As something of a scientist I’ve become accustomed to getting information from peer reviewed journal when I want to have confidence in the quality of the studies that generate the results, so I was keen to read an article that would reveal reliable educational technology product evaluation resources.
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Teaching Complex Thinking and Heuristic Learning

I had just begun a quest on “teaching complex thinking” by reading an article in the NMC Horizon Report-2015 K-12 Edition when I had to stop and pull out the dictionary, not literally, to find the meaning of heuristic. According to the online English Oxford Living Dictionaries,
“Heuristic means enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves”.
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Is Gamification of Learning  Just About Computer Games?

​The anticipation I was feeling about a course on gamification of learning was not a positive force, since I have limited experience with computer games and my impression of them is of fantasy worlds that some people become addicted to. So I started doing some research on gamification of learning and realized that my view had been skewed in associating gamification of learning only with computer games, when it really refers to the application of game principles and design to learning and this may include the use of conventional card games and board games as well as computer games.
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