#etmooc #clmooc Week 3 Reflection #f5f

#clmooc Week 3 Reflections

How is what you create driven by your interests?

Since this is voluntary learning, it’s all based on interests; I have no preconception or grade to concern me. I love being inspired by those who jump in and share, so that I can piggyback on their ideas or find the spark that leads to my own creative work.…

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Learn with Michelle Hangout: What’s New with Wikis?

Faculty eCommons

Wikis are a favorite “classic” web 2.0 tool of educators, but the ways they are used in teaching and learning today has evolved beyond the simplification of classroom management tasks. In this Google+ Hangout, Wendy ……

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Ed Tech Du Jour Webinar: Engaging Students Online

Faculty eCommons

Don’t miss the next Ed Tech Du Jour webinar!

Register for 5 Ways to Prevent Cheating in Online Courses: Dr. Heather Farmakis and Dr. Melissa Kaulbach will discuss the rationale behind online cheating and offer strategies/tools ……

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Learn with Michelle Webinar: Freedom from Flash Drives with Dropbox

Faculty eCommons

Do you find yourself challenged to access important documents when using your mobile device? Are you still manually loading files to flash drives to ensure you have access to them from different computers? Dropbox will ……

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Ed Tech Du Jour Webinar: Screencasting with Jing

Faculty eCommons

Don’t miss the next Ed Tech Du Jour webinar!

Register for Engaging Students in Online Courses:
Dr. Heather Farmakis and Dr. Melissa Kaulbach will discuss various strategies to keep students from disengaging in online courses. These tips ……

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Learn with Michelle Webinar: Animoto for Creating Engaging Videos

Faculty eCommons

Instructor-created videos foster a social presence with students and visually communicate curriculum-specific information, often more effectively than third-party videos. Animoto is a fun, easy-to-use tool that lets you create dynamic, professional videos that promote a ……

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Your New Summer Plans: QM Live! Summer Camp

Faculty eCommons

It’s summer!
You should be lying on the beach, napping under your favorite tree, sailing across the lake…but you also know that summer may be your only chance to participate in some much-needed professional development.
Great news! Register for ……

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New! Professional Development at the Faculty eCommons

At the Faculty eCommons, we’re dedicated to helping you design and teach high-quality online courses that meet the needs of today’s learners. That’s why we’ve expanded our professional development opportunities to address topics you request ……

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Archived Webinars – PD On Your Time Table

As someone who leads professional development workshops and classes, I know first hand how hard it is to coordinate a place and a time that meets everyone’s schedules. I don’t usually like to admit defeat, but it seems to be IMPOSSIBLE these days.…

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Staff Learning & Capturing Voice

Learning alongside is powerful and builds collective efficacy that nutures relationships, trust and risk-taking. On April 9th, 2013, the @AncasterSrPS Grade 8 teaching staff and I spent time learning together with @bloggucation and @mrjarbenne. The day’s theme focussed on sharing … Continue reading

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