Introversion and Technology: Update on My Quiet One

So, we’re at the point in our  project where the design teams have made decisions about whose building the space rover, whose  preparing the presentation and whose making sure everything gets done.  I was sitting at my desk Thursday watching my classic introvert work feverishly at the computer on her Glogster.…

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Digital Citizenship: Getting Our Feet Wet

So, yes, we’ve been blogging at Planet Science.  Its been going well.  I’ve kept it all relatively quiet as we’ve learned how to conduct ourselves online and how to present ourselves in a way that we won’t regret in the future.…

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One More Look @ Introversion: Digital Literacy and the Quiet Child

I wrote recently on how I use blogging to connect the introvert in my classroom  and have found it is making it much easier for my quiet students to connect to the lessons and participate with their classmates.  Something interesting is happening with one student in particular that I thought I’d share.…

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The Digital Storytelling Experiment

My students just finished a unit on the Moon.  We took a field trip to the Challenger Learning Center in our community and we were astronauts and mission specialists.  We had a ball.  At the debriefing at the end of our experience, we saw a video created by the interns at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston.  …

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Connecting: Classroom Projects

I’ve always felt to was important to be aware of how others in the world live, work and play.  I remember having a pen pal, from Arizona, when I was in 3rd grade.  We’ve lost touch, but I’ll always remember discovering truths about Native Americans, seeing pictures of the different ecosystems and learning a little Spanish.…

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Connecting: Doing It Without Trying (sorta)

This week was a lesson in overdoing.

In my classroom, we’re excited about an upcoming field trip where we will be “mission specialists” on a Moon Mission… I just finished “interviewing” all the “job applicants” and will spend the weekend placing everyone in their job positions so they can begin specific job training.  …

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Starting the Project.. .Adding the Technology

So, anyone that has been reading my dribble here may have seen my comments on starting a project with my classes on finding water on Mars.  We’re starting with learning about the Moon, the only planetary body in the solar system humans have visited.…

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